Chapter 11: The Young Dragon's Evil Dragon's Roar: Awoo

Facing the sea, with the spring flowers blooming, she followed the Evil Dragon to practice health preservation skills.

Greeting the rising sun and stepping on the soft sand, she mimicked the actions of Evil Dragon Lance to practice the Health Cultivation Skill.

The Evil Dragon said the health cultivation skill consisted of eight movements, and during practice, each movement had to be repeated at least five times and no more than nine times

She didn't understand anything and didn't dare to ask, simply silently learning. Sometimes, if her movements were not standard, the Evil Dragon would correct her.

The Health Cultivation Skill needed to be practiced for three to five months before one could feel changes within oneself.

Three to five months?

That seemed a bit long. She was sure to take the opportunity to slip away quietly; it was impossible for her to stay on Black Dragon Island and live with Evil Dragon Lance indefinitely.

It took her nearly an hour to learn the eight movements.

Evil Dragon Lance said it was normal for the movements to be not standardized on the first try; as long as they weren't too far off, with more practice they would naturally become more standardized.

He also mentioned something about "The Tao of Nature".

She couldn't understand at all, nor did she know what "The Tao of Nature" meant.

She knew about spells and witchcraft.

Following the Evil Dragon's words, she began her practice. If the Evil Dragon's health cultivation skill truly prevented all diseases, then after returning to the Phalan Empire, she could teach the skill to her father, her mother, and to Eva.

As for that annoying Princess Asina, if she obediently gave up her claim to the throne, she could also teach her the health cultivation skill.

And then there was Evil Dragon Lance.

Evil Dragon Lance had been quite good to her, this "Young Dragon". Once she became the Emperor of Farolan, she would make him a prince consort.

She'd also build him a magnificent golden palace for him to live in.

Both she and the Evil Dragon had a bright future.

"Lucia, let me see your abilities."


Lucia, who was engrossed in her future prospects, became blank.


The abilities of a young dragon?

"I... I can fly..."


Flying is the most basic ability, isn't it?

If a young dragon couldn't even fly, then it might as well be an Earth Dragon.

"That is your most basic ability, but I want to see your attack abilities, like Dragon Roaring, Breathes Dragon's Breath, and other types of strength."

Lance felt that the Amethyst Young Dragon he had found was not particularly strong in terms of power or attack. Just yesterday, this little one was surrounded by Griffin knights and didn't use her Dragon Breath to intimidate them.

Dragon Roaring?

Raising her neck and roaring, that she could do.

Breathes Dragon's Breath?

She was a human who turned into a young dragon due to a curse. Could humans who turned into young dragons breathe dragon's breath?

Eva hadn't told her what abilities she'd possess as a dragon.

"I can roar like a dragon."

"Come on, roar towards the sea for me, let me hear your dragon roar."


Lucia took a deep breath, faced the sea, and with all her might, let out her very first roar since becoming a young dragon: Ao!!!



A complex expression surfaced on Lance's draconic face.

The young dragon's roar... sounded like a wolf howling?

Dragon Roar, Tiger Roar, Lion Roar, Wolf Howl.

Clearly, the Young Dragon's Evil Dragon's Roar was more of a wolf howl...

No wonder the Griffin knights weren't at all afraid of her...

Because this little one's roar had no deterrent power whatsoever.

"How was that? Not bad, right?"

Lucia was quite pleased with her "Evil Dragon's Roar" – the sound was loud and lofty, carrying the majesty that the king of all beasts should possess.

"Apart from being loud, it has no deterrent power."


"Now, let me see you breathe dragon's breath."

The roar lacked deterrent power, but surely the lethality of dragon's breath would be decent, right?

He had yet to see what the Amethyst Dragon's breath looked like.

"Dragon's Breath, huh... "


Lucia looked timidly at Evil Dragon Lance again, then faced the sea once more.

How would a giant dragon breathe its breath?

Probably like a human spitting saliva.


Simulating the act of a human spitting in her mind, Lucia took another deep breath and, under the watchful eye of Evil Dragon Lance, she opened her mouth and——


A spit of saliva flew out of her mouth.

Just as the young dragon's saliva was about to fall into the nearby sea, a fish jumped out of the water, swallowed Lucia's saliva in one gulp, and dived back into the sea.

"Ah, what an disgusting fish..."

Before Lucia could finish her sentence, she saw the fish that had swallowed her saliva leap out of the water again, looked back at her, and then spat out a mouthful of saliva...


It's looking down on me, it's actually disdainful of me!!!

It wasn't an illusion, that fish not only looked down on her but also disdained her!!!

How dare it!!!

Look down on me for what?

Disdain me for what?

I, as a princess, have never looked down on you, a fish, so what gives you the right to disdain me?

Believe it or not, I'll dive into the sea, catch you, and then grill you for dinner?

The young dragon Lucia was furiously powerless...

She could somewhat guess why the fish disdained her—it was because she wasn't a true young dragon.

Her saliva didn't contain the substance energy that could help a fish evolve.

Legend has it that a fish that eats the saliva of a true giant dragon can undergo an evolution.

That stinky fish must have been coveting Evil Dragon Lance's saliva.

"Dragon's Breath?"

"Just... just now, that mouthful of saliva was... "


"Don't joke around."

"I'm not joking, my Dragon Breath really is spit... saliva..."


Lance was confused... saliva is Dragon's Breath?

So all the formidable enemies of this young dragon were killed by her spitting on them?

Is that possible?

Completely impossible!

Lance, furious, clenched his Dragon Claw into a fist and punched young Lucia on the head.

"Hiss———ouch ouch ouch ouch..."

Lucia, in pain, held her head and stomped on the spot.

She had been smacked.

By an evil dragon.

Giant dragons really are violent maniacs.

The pain brought tears to her eyes.

"Are you sure you're not joking?"

"No... no, I really was seriously Breathing Dragon's Breath..."

Lucia's mouth quivered, and she felt like crying. Eva's curse was so unreliable; she had turned into a dragon, after all, and should at least have some of the most basic abilities of a giant dragon.

Dragon's Breath is the most basic ability of the dragon race.

Even just opening her mouth and breathing out a purple flame would be fine.

Spitting out saliva in front of an evil dragon, who else would get hit if not her?

By now, she might be considered a congenitally disabled young dragon with stunted growth in the eyes of the evil dragon.

"How did you ever survive to this size?"

"Eating field mice..."

I, this congenitally disabled young dragon, have survived to this size by eating field mice, is there a problem?

Not a single problem.

Lance stared at Lucia's purple-golden vertical pupils for a while and had a guess in his mind.

He suspected that Lucia was a young dragon with a physical defect, which might be why she was abandoned by her parents from a young age.

Of course, this was just his guess; he didn't feel it appropriate to ask directly.

"You've grown this big and never breathed Dragon's Breath once?"


The next time I see Eva, I must get her to perfect the dragon transformation curse.

"Alright, I got it."

The evil dragon... seemed not to be angry anymore, but... why does he look at her so strangely?

Yep, he probably does think she's a defective young dragon.

"Starting today, you will drink the potion I prepare."


Drink a potion?

I'm not sick, why should I take any medicine?

Medicines can't just be taken indiscriminately.

"Can I not drink it?"

"It's a tonic for your body, with no side effects, don't worry."

I'm not sick, really not sick.

Lucia screamed inwardly.