Chapter 16: Get Stronger, Young Dragon!

Anyone called a formidable enemy by the Evil Dragon is likely no other than powerful warriors, legendary heroes, and Holy Knights of the great temples.

Even if the enemies of the Evil Dragon Lance weren't these strong figures, they certainly wouldn't be bad people. Turning them into undead to fight for the Evil Dragon would give her a sense of guilt.

Brushing the topic aside with diary writing was truly brilliant.

Petty and vindictive.

It was a reminder to herself never to offend the Evil Dragon; otherwise, being written about in its diary would spell doom.

Speaking of which... wasn't Evil Dragon Lance a Black Dragon?

The Racial Talent of Black Dragons is their immunity to Magic; their dragon bodies are relatively robust.

Beyond that, all that's left is the ability to breathe Dragon's Breath.

Within the Giant Dragon Clan, the combat strength of Black Dragons isn't that formidable; there are plenty of Giant Dragons stronger than Black Dragons.

For example, the Golden Giant Dragon, the Red Dragon, the Frost Giant Dragon, and so forth.

Among them, the Red Dragons are the most ferocious. Many powerful and legendary Evil Dragons mentioned in tales are Red Dragons, followed by Black Dragons.

Under normal circumstances, as a Black Dragon, Evil Dragon Lance would not match the fighting power or physical strength of a Red Dragon.

If he were to clash with a Red Dragon, he'd undoubtedly be the one to take a beating.

However, Evil Dragon Lance wasn't a typical Black Dragon; he had too many skills and even held an advanced mage certificate.

Normal Black Dragons cannot use Magic.

But Evil Dragon Lance can.

He can even summon the undead.

What does this indicate?

It shows that Evil Dragon Lance is a Dark Summoner as well.

Facing such a Black Dragon, Lucia believed that even the Golden Giant Dragon, Red Dragon, and Frost Giant Dragon might not easily defeat Evil Dragon Lance.

Who has ever seen a Black Dragon that can summon dark creatures?

"Lance, if a Red Dragon provokes you, can you beat it?"


"With so many combat skills, you should be able to beat a Red Dragon, right? Even if you can't win, you should at least be able to fight to a draw.

If your dragon body was as strong as a Red Dragon's, I think you would have a chance to defeat a Red Dragon."

Why had the Young Dragon started to care about his combat strength?

Could it be that the Young Dragon thought he, as a Black Dragon, wasn't strong enough?

Alright, the fact that Red Dragons are stronger than Black Dragons is a reality.

There are memories of Red Dragons violently overpowering Black Dragons in his inherited memories.

Black Dragons are treacherous; Red Dragons are savage.

If they were to encounter each other by chance, there is a high probability a battle would erupt.

Once a battle does break out, Black Dragons are more likely to lose than to win.

But what does that have to do with him, Black Dragon Lance?

There are two kinds of Evil Dragons.

And there are two kinds of Black Dragons.

Other Black Dragons and Black Dragon Lance.

He is a Black Dragon who understands Body Refinement, his physical strength far exceeding other Black Dragons of his kin.

He wouldn't be afraid to face a Red Dragon even head-on.

In the future, if he encountered a Red Dragon that didn't provoke him, he wouldn't initiate a fight just to prove that he was stronger than the Red Dragon.

"Lance! Your dragon scales..."

"Dragon scales? What's with my dragon scales?"

"Under the sunlight... they're iridescent... not purely black."

Luckily, with an inadvertent turn of her head, Lucia witnessed an unbelievable scene; Black Dragon's scales were not pure black, but iridescent black...

In her understanding, Black Dragon scales were supposed to be pure black, devoid of any other colors.

Not just in her belief, but in the belief of all creatures under heaven, Black Dragon scales were pure black, without any other hues.

Yet just now, she had seen with her own eyes that Black Dragon scales weren't pure black, but iridescent black.

A black so magnificent that it even stunned her.

She wasn't seeing things; even now, as she looked at Evil Dragon Lance's scales, they were still iridescent black.



Being a Pureblood Black Dragon, in what direction could Evil Dragon Lance evolve?

His current form was already the strongest among the dragonkind.

"Don't make a fuss over nothing, if you've ever seen a crow, and you observed closely, you'd find that the black of a crow... is also an iridescent black."

"I don't believe it."

In the Human World, crows symbolize darkness.

Only those affiliated with darkness like crows, normal people disdain them, and even the cawing of crows is considered an ominous and unlucky sound.

"If you're free, I can take you to meet the crow people in the Demon Race."

"No, no, no, I don't want to go to the Demon Race."

Lucia hastily shook her head in refusal. Who would willingly go to the Demon Race? They are even more ferocious than the Evil Dragon.

The Blood Clan, who like to turn into bats and suck the blood of humans during the night.

Ogres that burrow out from underground to drag away and eat people.

Succubi that can turn a person into a mummy overnight.

Demons that take pleasure in toying with human nature and souls.

The Demon Race is humanity's archenemy.

They are extremely terrifying foes.

If possible, she wanted to avoid dealing with the Demon Race for her entire life.

The level of danger Evil Dragon Lance represented in Lucia's mind just went up another notch.

Evil Dragons must have had dealings with the Demon Race.

Who knows? They might have even lived among the Demon Race for a while.

After all, he was a Black Dragon who had lived for 3455 years.

"You're a Young Dragon; there's no need to be that scared of the Demon Race."

"I heard the Demon Race eats anything, and I'm afraid they will see me as food and eat me if I go there."

"Makes sense."

The Young Dragon isn't wrong. Some of the lower-ranked Demon Race members with low intelligence indeed eat whatever they see.

If they encounter a Young Dragon with low combat power, it's indeed possible they would swarm it and try to eat it after killing it.

"Get stronger, strong enough to control your own fate, and even the fate of others."


She wanted to be strong enough to defeat her rotten older sister with just a finger.

"To get stronger, do I just need to sleep all day?"


Why does this Young Dragon I found like to daydream so much?

If sleeping all day could make one stronger, why did he bother fighting with wild beasts and magical beasts in his youth?

Why not just bury himself and sleep all day long?

Young Dragons sleep for growth, and though their strength also grows as they do, it's ultimately limited.

To get stronger, one still needs to train.

"Sleeping can make you stronger, but it's limited and won't give you the power to control your own fate. If you go causing trouble in the Human World one day, any random hero might pop up and defeat you.

If you want to be strong enough to own your fate, you need to train, in addition to sleeping."

"Like humans... train?"


"But I don't know how."

"I'll teach you."

Lance revealed a ferocious grin.

"Can I... refuse?"

"If you want to be eaten as food, you can refuse."


Evil Dragon... you're forcing me to train with you.

It doesn't seem like a bad thing, though.

Evil Dragon has many certificates; if he seriously teaches me, it might not be long before I could also become a somewhat famous strong being.

"I will train with you."

"Then let's start this afternoon."

"Isn't that... a bit too soon?"

"The sooner you start training, the sooner you'll get stronger."

"You're right. So what should I start training first? Spells? Combat skills? Card-making? Summoning? Beast Taming?"

"Body Refinement."

"How does a Young Dragon practice Body Refinement?"

"By ramming into mountains."


Fear flashed in Lucia's amethyst vertical pupils.

Ramming into mountains?

Is it that kind of mountain ramming she's thinking of?

"Forget it, start with ramming turtles first. Once you can flip a turtle over, you can move on to mountains."