Chapter 17 What to Do If You Accidentally Kill the Tortoise Raised by the Evil Dragon?

The path of body refinement for a young dragon requires a gradual and ordered progression. Making her crash into mountains from the start isn't too friendly, better to let her start by bumping into turtles.

The young dragon he picked up was different from him; in his youthful years, there was no powerful, adult giant dragon to pick him up, no adult giant dragon to protect him.

In such circumstances, to enable his dragon body to develop a strong resistance to impacts, crashing into mountains day after day was the most effective and convenient body refining technique he could think of.

But the young dragon didn't need this. Living with him, an adult Black Dragon, she temporarily had no pressure to survive. Becoming stronger... it could happen slowly.

There was no need to be as aggressive as he had been in his youth.

Gaining strength takes time, and for giant dragons, time is what they have the most of.

Not strong enough after ten years of body refinement? Then refine for a hundred years, five hundred years, a thousand years, two thousand years.

When the young dragon reappears in the Human World as an Evil Dragon, I can't guarantee she will have the power to do whatever she wants, but I can ensure she has the ability to kidnap princesses, raise princesses, and protect and save her own life.

Why does it feel like something's off?

Raise a princess?

Lance turned his head to glance at the young dragon not far from him.

The young dragon is female, what does a female young dragon need to raise a princess for?

Shouldn't she be raising a prince?

Raise a prince?

Forget it, forget it, it's better to continue instilling in her the concept of raising a princess.

If the young dragon really goes to the Human World and picks up a prince to raise, with her intelligence, I fear that it won't take long before she would be swindled out of all her possessions and might even end up losing herself.

Better to raise a princess. If the princess deceives her, she'll only end up becoming her best friend.

If a prince deceives her, she might even be tricked out of her life.

Lance fantasized for a moment about the future, where he was married with dragon whelps, and one of them was a girl.

The dragon whelp grew up and caught a handsome human prince from the Human World.

Then, during their time together, the dragon whelp developed feelings for the human prince.


Lance put an end to his fantasies because, in his imagination, the prince was killed with one swipe of his dragon claw.

Deceiving his dragon whelp unto death, death it is.

"Bump, bump, bump, I'll bump turtles, this afternoon I'll bump!"

Lucia trembled with fear. A moment ago, Evil Dragon Lance's golden-red vertical pupils became very frightening.

In that instant, the Evil Dragon seemed to go from a kind, sun-loving old man to a vicious... butcher.

All because I hesitated a little?

Is there really a need to scare me like that?

If you had shown such a fierce look earlier, not to mention bumping turtles, even if you asked me to use my head to crash into a mountain, I would've agreed immediately.

Lucia silently cried and complained about the Evil Dragon in her heart.

But compared to crashing into mountains, she'd rather bump turtles; after all, a turtle is just so big. Even if its turtle shell is hard, could it be harder than her [Young Dragon] Amethyst Dragon scales?

Although she's a young dragon with a few [defects], she truly possesses some of the abilities of [young dragons].

Small knives can't even scratch her amethyst dragon scales.

Divine artifacts don't count.

If the legendary Divine Artifacts appeared, I fear they could kill even the Evil Dragon next to her.

The strength of the Evil Dragon's dragon body is even less than that of a Red Dragon, so a Divine Artifact could certainly pierce his dragon scales easily and injure him.

"This afternoon is for bumping; now is the time to enjoy life and commune with nature."

"Oh. Umm... Lance, what if I accidentally kill the turtle by bumping into it?"

"I was just about to tell you, when you go to bump the turtle, have that mindset, use all your strength, kill it."

If the young dragon can kill the turtle he's raising, he'd dare to make the turtle's shell into a house, give it to the young dragon, and let her live in it.

The condition is that the young dragon must have that strength.

"If the turtle really dies from my bump, you won't... won't beat me up, will you?"

Evil Dragon Lance has two pets, Hellhound Er Gou Zi and a turtle.

The turtle the Evil Dragon wants her to bump might be the one he is raising.

If she kills the turtle raised by the Evil Dragon and he, feeling heartbroken, beats her up, what should she do?

This morning the Evil Dragon punched her head with his dragon fist, and it really hurt, okay?

Besides, she's the Emperor's daughter; being punched in the head by an Evil Dragon, isn't that losing face?

In the future, after she becomes Emperor, having been hit by the Evil Dragon will become a dark spot in her history.

Who has ever been beaten by an Evil Dragon?

Lucia, Empress of the Phalan Empire, was beaten by the Evil Dragon, not only was she beaten, but she was also kidnapped by the Evil Dragon.....

This kind of incident absolutely mustn't be recorded in the history of the Phalan Empire.

"If you can manage to kill the turtle I raised by crashing into it, I won't just refrain from beating you, but I'll also gift you a beautifully furnished Young Dragon Nest."

"Come on... you... write this down in your journal, otherwise, I'm afraid you'll go back on your word later."

Lucia handed the notebook the Evil Dragon gave her to Lance.

Verbal promises are worthless; written agreements are reliable.

Lance smiled, you'd say this Young Dragon isn't very smart, but when it comes to its own interests, it certainly knows how to protect them.

Without hesitation, Lance took the notebook and pen and quickly wrote down the promise he had just made to the Young Dragon.

"Ah? Dragon Script?"


The cunning and deceitful Evil Dragon, actually used Dragon Script to create the written agreement.

Taking advantage of the fact she couldn't read Dragon Script.

No way, to avoid a beating, she must learn Dragon Script as soon as possible.

The turtle raised by the Evil Dragon might just end up killed in a couple of days.

Lucia took the notebook back with some reluctance.

She hoped the content the Evil Dragon wrote in the notebook was indeed the same as what he had just said.

She didn't care about the Dragon Nest or anything, as long as the Evil Dragon didn't beat her if she killed the turtle.

"Would you like to eat some fruit?"

"I want to eat fruit while studying Dragon Script."



To avoid becoming an emperor with a dark history, and to not give the Evil Dragon a chance to go back on his word, she must strive to learn Dragon Script at the earliest!


Lance took out the kindergarten-level Dragon Script textbook he had compiled last night, he wrote two copies, one for the Young Dragon, and one for himself.

Dragon Script is the most ancient of texts, Elvish Script, Orcish Script, and Dwarves' writing are also very ancient, but with the passage of time, these three races' scripts have also gradually evolved.

Only the Giant Dragon Clan's Dragon Script has remained in its original form.

"Lance, what are these runes?"

"These are phonetic symbols, start with these, learn to pronounce them, then learning Dragon Script becomes very simple. Come on, follow me and chant: a, o, e."

"Ah, wo, e."

"Very good, excellent, continue."

"i, w, u."

"Yi, wu, yu."

"b, p, m, f."

"Bo, po, mo, fu."



"Chant Buddha."

"Chant fu."

Lucia felt a little proud of herself, these rune phonetics weren't too hard, see how standard her pronunciation was.

Lance realized, teaching the Young Dragon he picked up Dragon Script might not be as simple and effortless as he imagined.

Endure it, he thought, he would carve a Majestic Heavenly Dragon for her this afternoon to show her what "Buddha" is.

An hour later, Lance ended the lesson.

He pulled out a watermelon from the Vajra Ring to moisten his throat.

He also took a few walnuts and two apples for the Young Dragon to eat.

Eating walnuts is good for the brain; he should let the Young Dragon eat more.

The Young Dragon carefully nibbled on an apple, she seemed not too bright regarding learning Dragon Script.

Well, perhaps he should go easier when crashing into the turtle this afternoon, otherwise, if he killed the Evil Dragon's turtle, it would certainly beat him up.