721 currency

Bankers couldn't help but look towards Lionel, who was the intermediary, responsible for direct communication with Zhu Wencong.

The more domineering Zhu Wencong appeared, the more assured everyone actually became, there was no need to worry that he had come to swindle their funds.

Lionel really wanted to suggest that they both take a step back. After all, they were Zhu Wencong's backers—couldn't they give a bit more consideration for their boss?

"What I dislike the most is your Western system of decentralization. I think it's the most foolish system!"

If we can't unite and concentrate our power, then we'll accomplish nothing, and it will take a long time to do so.

Those familiar with the East should understand that the miraculous feats achieved there are truly astonishing and unattainable by Western nations.