The two simplest ways to acquire wealth are, first, to harvest it using the scythe of capital, and second, to plunder it through violence.
Yevgeny, as the leader of the four major Underground Money Houses, had always been in conflict with the other three, and they often banded together to resist him.
Eliminating them was quite difficult, as to become such a large power, one had to have the backing of the noble class, to some extent.
Everyone was a black glove, everyone was a tool for doing dirty and tiring work; for one to attack another was to defy the authority of the nobility.
Yevgeny planned to defect to America, no longer wanting to be the nobility's black glove; he sought freedom that belonged to himself alone.
To break free of his chains, external help was required, and the bankers in America would undoubtedly have Western bankers behind them, suggesting an incredibly strong foundation overall.