Chapter 22 Spears, Hard Bows

Setting the mask aside, Liang Hui lightly spoke to the astonished Shu Yu and Uncle Shu:

"Let's begin."

"Hmm... Yes, let's start eating."

Shu Yu responded, a glint of fascination crossing her eyes; she had been prepared to face all sorts of strange appearances.

She had not expected that under the mask there would be such a handsome young man.

Sitting opposite Liang Hui, Uncle Shu's scrutinizing gaze also diminished somewhat.

One can only say that a pleasing appearance greatly enhances others' perception.

Of course, the face that Liang Hui was now revealing was one altered by changing his bone structure, not his natural appearance.

With his breakthrough in muscle refining, he could now maintain the disguise for four hours.

That was basically enough to meet the daily needs of being outside.

Seeing the two start to use their chopsticks, Liang Hui didn't hesitate to pick up the food and eagerly started eating as well.

It must be said that the food Shu Yu cooked was indeed tasty.

As time passed, Shu Yu and her companion quickly finished eating and set down their bowls and chopsticks.

Watching Liang Hui alone continue to deplete the remaining food on the stone table.

"Tai Yi, do you need more food? I can go make some more," Shu Yu softly offered.

"No need, this is enough."

Liang Hui responded as he continued to pick food, speaking while eating.

Hearing this, Shu Yu did not speak further, propping her cheek and curiously observing the young man across from her.

After an indeterminate amount of time, the food on the table was finished.

Only then did Shu Yu stand up, picking up the bowls and chopsticks and walking towards the kitchen.

Liang Hui got up, intending to help, but the woman stopped him.

With the woman gone, only Uncle Shu and Liang Hui remained in the pavilion.

Uncle Shu suddenly asked, "You must be a Martial Artist, right? Otherwise, you wouldn't have such a large appetite."

Liang Hui nodded in agreement without rebuttal.

He picked up the mask that was set aside and put it on his face once more, looking down at the little fish swimming in the pond.

A moment later, he gently inquired, "Uncle Shu should be a physician, right?"

"Hmm," the elder nodded, not surprised that Liang Hui knew of his occupation.

They had passed by each other two days ago; the young man must have seen the medicine chest in his hands.

"So why is Shu Yu's body so weak?" Liang Hui probed.

For this kind-hearted and gentle woman, he was willing to offer a helping hand where he could.

It would be a gift to the first person in this world who had shown him such pure kindness.

"Ah," the elder sighed softly, glancing at Shu Yu still busy in the kitchen, before speaking:

"Her, well, she was premature and had a difficult birth. Her body's foundation is too fragile. Though we have been trying to slowly improve it with medicinal meals over the years, it still falls far short."

"Is that so?" Liang Hui murmured, not responding further.

Instead, he changed the subject, inquiring, "Uncle Shu, I'd like to know if there is a place in the city where Martial Arts Classics are sold."

"Martial Arts Classics?"

Uncle Shu murmured to himself before responding:

"Martial Arts Classics, while not as valuable as Taoist Scripture, are also precious. If you want Martial Arts Classics, other than joining a martial arts school, there are only the army and the City Lord's Mansion."

Liang Hui's eyes held a hint of disappointment. If Uncle Shu, who had lived in the city for many years, didn't know of any other way, he would have to rely on his Divine Skills to 'enter dreams' and try his luck.

Liang Hui, who had just raised his head, suddenly noticed the hesitation flickering in the old man's eyes, as if there were unspoken words.

"Uncle Shu, with Great Zhou's nine states and Great Chu's five states, the vast Fourteen States are unimaginable, there will always be rare treasures that can treat Miss Shu Yu's illness, do not worry."

There were no promises, seemingly just words of comfort, but the old man, with years of life experience, surely could understand the meaning behind those words.

When it is within my power, I am willing to help.

"Where there is light within a city, darkness will inevitably follow. Some things cannot be dealt out in the open, items not convenient for aboveboard transactions, they all go through a special place for trade and sale, we call that place the black market."

Uncle Shu's words carried a trace of hoarseness.

"The black market, there's one in this city?" Liang Hui asked.

Of course, he knew about the black market, for it had appeared several times in that memory that seemed to come from the future, but it never mentioned this Yuanshui City.

"Where is it? What are the conditions for entry?" the youth asked one question after another.

"Ten miles east out of the city, there is a deserted village. Every ten days, martial artists, Taoist priests, and wealthy merchants gather there to trade, and it's two more days until the next gathering."

"The condition for entry is to verify assets, one must possess fifty taels of silver or items of equivalent value to enter."

About Liang Hui's knowledge of the existence of the black market, Uncle Shu was not surprised, after all, that memory had spread too widely, and many important secrets had been disseminated throughout the land.

"Is that so? I understand, Uncle Shu."

Liang Hui chuckled lightly, his mood still fairly good after learning about such a thing.

The lack of martial arts classics would also have a way to be resolved.

"What are you talking about?" A gentle voice tinged with curiosity came from the side.

Seeing Shu Yu wiping her palms with a handkerchief, Liang Hui stopped his laughter.

"We're discussing a very important matter."

After responding to the woman, he stood up, once again addressing the two, "Thank you both for the hospitality, but it is time for me to leave."

"Hmm, Tai Yi, you go ahead."

Shu Yu put away the handkerchief she was holding, her lips parting slightly.

As Liang Hui walked towards the door, Shu Yu followed by his side.

Only when they were a certain distance from Uncle Shu, did she whisper, "Tai Yi, has my father asked you to find a way to improve my illness? Don't care about it. He has said the same to many people who are sick."

Upon hearing this, Liang Hui's pace suddenly slowed, his gaze beneath the mask somewhat serious.

"If you get better, what would you want to do?"

"Ah! How could that be possible."

"Who knows what the future holds."

During the conversation, Liang Hui had already walked past Shu Yu, exiting the courtyard.

Shu Yu stood in place, watching his receding figure, murmuring softly to herself, "If I had a healthy body, what would I most want to do?"


After leaving the courtyard, Liang Hui headed towards the blacksmith shop.

Having decided to go to the black market, preparing weapons was indispensable, for the black market was not a safe place at all.

A group of individuals who lived by the blade gathering in one place, who needs to think to know what might happen.

It didn't take long before Liang Hui arrived at a blacksmith shop.

Surveying the walls full of weapons, and the cold gleam on each weapon.

"Guest, what kind of weapon would you like to buy?" The warm greeting directed his gaze towards the counter.

Looking at the enthusiastic clerk dressed in gray, Liang Hui, with a deep voice, inquired:

"A six-stone hard bow, and a spear too."


The clerk's face showed astonishment.