Chapter 23 Demonic Path Conference

Such a strong bow isn't commonly used in Yuanshui City.

The attendant snapped back to attention, his demeanor turning respectful.

"Customer, we do have six-stone hard bows in our shop, but it's a significant purchase, and I need to inform my master."

Liang Hui nodded in understanding.

A precious weapon such as a six-stone hard bow indeed isn't something a shop attendant could decide on.

After seeing Liang Hui's response, the attendant immediately ran towards the back courtyard.

It wasn't long before he returned with a bearded Great Han.

The bearded Great Han's gaze was intense as he looked at Liang Hui and asked, "Customer, are you the one who wants the six-stone hard bow and a spear?"

"Yes, and for the arrows, I want them made of fine iron," Liang Hui stated his requirements.

"That can be done, we can fulfil these orders."

As the bearded Great Han spoke, he took out a large piece of oiled paper from under the counter, which obviously wrapped something.

Under Liang Hui's earnest gaze, he slowly unveiled it, revealing a longbow made from an unknown black wood, intricately carved with fine patterns.

The bearded Great Han picked up a cloth handed by an attendant, and while wiping the longbow, he began, "This bow is crafted from carefully selected ironwood, through various processes, and its string is made from the sinews of fierce wild beasts like tigers, bears, and wolves."

At that moment, a flicker of eagerness passed through the depths of Liang Hui's eyes; he was indeed quite satisfied with the bow's appearance.

"Shopkeeper, I'd like to test it to see if it meets my requirements."

"Certainly, but please be careful not to draw the bowstring without an arrow."


As he finished speaking, Liang Hui reached out, grasped the bow, and lifted it.

Instantly, a sparkle flashed in his eyes—it was much lighter than he expected.

The bearded Great Han, who had clearly noticed his surprise, spoke proudly, "The ironwood not only has the hardness of iron but also the lightness of wood, and the ironwood used to forge this bow is of the highest quality."

Liang Hui nodded slightly, and the next moment, he began to pull the bowstring slowly, exerting his strength.

The longbow was slowly drawn, and when it was half drawn, he released the tension, allowing the bow to return to its original shape.

He ran his hand over the bow.

"Shopkeeper, I'll take this bow. How much is it?"

Liang Hui was very pleased with this bow; coupled with fine iron arrows, it would undoubtedly be a lethal weapon.

At this time, the shopkeeper's previously serious face showed a warm smile upon hearing that Liang Hui was ready to buy the bow.

"Customer, this bow is just twenty silver taels."

"Twenty silver taels!"

Liang Hui's words carried a hint of astonishment.

Twenty silver taels was indeed quite expensive; after all, even the large house he rented was only ten silver taels a month.

However, after a moment's thought, he nodded.

"That's acceptable, but I want the shopkeeper to include five fine iron armor-piercing arrows as a complimentary gift."


The bearded Great Han did not refuse. The cost of five fine iron armor-piercing arrows wasn't much—barely one silver tael.

"I also want to purchase an additional five fine iron armor-piercing arrows, ten normal arrows, and a full iron spear," said Liang Hui, listing all his needs in one breath.

"That's a total of ten armor-piercing arrows, ten normal arrows, which we have in stock and can give you immediately for one silver tael."

"However, for the right spear, we need to measure your arm length and height on-site to customize it."

"Fine, but I hope the spear will be completed by the day after tomorrow."

"No problem,"

Liang Hui had already taken out twenty-two silver taels from his embrace and handed them over.

"The extra silver tael can be considered a deposit for the spear."

The bearded Great Han didn't hesitate, picking up the silver on the counter, weighing it in his hand before pocketing it.

He then walked over to the wall where weapons were displayed, leaned over to pick up twenty arrows, and put them into a quiver, then handed it to Liang Hui.

"Consider this quiver a free gift," he said.


Liang Hui gave the bearded Great Han a deep look, then slung the longbow over his shoulder and strapped the quiver to his back.

The bearded man behind the counter also stepped out to personally measure Liang Hui's arm length and height before returning to the smithy.

As he walked, he said, "There haven't been any other clients ordering custom weapons these past few days, so you can come and get your spear tomorrow evening. That will be a total of five silver taels."

Liang Hui nodded his head.

He turned around and walked towards the streets.

This trip had solved the issue of weapons; he wouldn't need to consider them for a while now.

The reason he had chosen a spear as his weapon was because of the Green Wolf Fist Manual. In fact, whether it was in his past life or now, most of the techniques and moves from fist manuals were equally suitable for corresponding weapons.

For example, the weapons suited for Bagua Palm from his previous life were Bagua Blades, and the weapon suited for Green Wolf Fist Manual was the spear. With just a little practice, they could exhibit considerable lethality.

With that, Liang Hui didn't wander around the city but headed in the direction of his home.

As he passed by a house with a bamboo fence outside, he casually chopped down one and carried it back home.

He placed the slender bamboo, along with the quiver and longbow, to one side, and began to practice his fist technique in the courtyard.

About an hour later, he sat cross-legged on the ground, mobilizing the inner strength within his body, and following the recorded methods, he began to temper the muscles in his body.

Time passed, and the night had imperceptibly fallen.

Liang Hui, sitting cross-legged on the ground, carefully sensed the increasingly powerful muscles inside his body.

Just two days of practicing the Muscle Refinement stage, he felt improvements in all aspects of his body.

He immersed his consciousness into his mind.

(Muscle Refinement 1.56%)

At the Muscle Refinement stage, Liang Hui could improve by about 1% with a day's practice, which meant he would only need about three months to reach the final level of the third layer of external refinement.

Such a pace of cultivation was extremely fast.

While contemplating, Liang Hui slowly stood up, took a kitchen knife from the kitchen to the bamboo, and began to carve off its dry branches.

Soon, a smooth, slender bamboo pole appeared in his palms.

He tested the weight of the bamboo; although he wasn't completely satisfied, it was sufficient as a training tool.

The next moment, the bamboo in his hand suddenly thrust out, a sharp whistling sound filling the air.

Then the bamboo spun rapidly in his palm, drawing streaks of green across the courtyard.

Within those dazzling streaks, there lurked a chilling intent to kill.

Every thrust, every swing, was executed with the intent of killing an enemy.

It could be said that the spearmanship derived from the Green Wolf Fist Manual fully inherited its swiftness, accuracy, and ruthlessness.

Not until he had exhausted most of his strength did Liang Hui cease today's practice.

He set the bamboo pole aside, took the longbow and quiver, and entered his bedroom to fall into a deep sleep.


As Liang Hui fell into his slumber, an important meeting was being convened within the Demon Spirit Sect.

The palace, which should've been solemn and luxurious, was smothered in vermilion, as though drenched in blood and raging flames.

The vermilion floor covered the vast ground, and figures of various shapes, resembling demons and goblins, sat cross-legged on cushions.