Chapter 79 The Fourth Day

Having arranged the time for action with Zhang Xiaomo, they set it for after midnight, and then Yan Junze and Zhang Xiaomo each sat on their respective sides of the bed.

Zhang Xiaomo, as always, scrolled through her smartphone, while Yan Junze flipped through the textbook to review key knowledge points for the college entrance exam.

A little past eleven, sleepiness overcame him, and Yan Junze discarded the book without a second thought and immediately fell asleep.

An hour later.

Zhang Xiaomo, sitting on the left side of the bed, switched off her phone's screen and picked up the magnetic knife resting beside her hand, slowly drawing it from its leather sheath.

After glancing at the sleeping Yan Junze, she reached out to push his shoulder and said, "I'm heading next door now, should be back in less than ten minutes. While I'm gone, turn on the Strangeness Interferer, don't go anywhere, and definitely don't leave this room."