Listing Remarks

The book will be listed this Friday at 12 PM, and it feels like after a two-month trial run, the shop is finally ready to open its doors for real.

This is my first foray into supernatural fiction; I've read a lot of city-themed stories but rarely ever wrote one.

So I don't know why, but on a whim, I thought about writing a supernatural story. That's how "Rewind" came to be and how it's been uploaded until now.

There have been many shortcomings in the process of writing the book, and some toxic and cringe-worthy elements which I couldn't control or handle well led to some readers cursing me out thoroughly, but I'm still very grateful to those who have supported me and tolerated the book all the way to this announcement of going live—you guys are the real deal! I love you! Mua!(*╯3╰)

The plot will continue to improve, because I am too!