After he left, Yan Junze came out and approached the larger pit again, crouching down to examine it carefully.
Like the Crawler Monster earlier, the spot where the beggar was buried was in the same place, right beneath the smaller pit of the Crawler Monster.
Yan Junze didn't know why these dead things were buried here, but when he tuned in closely, he discovered there was a strange magnetic field in the area. This strangeness, however, was unusual, different from the rest.
Yet, what was specifically strange about it, he couldn't quite say at the moment.
After pondering, he lay down in the pit and, upon feeling around, tucked his arms in and started shoveling dirt over himself to bury his body.
Of course, he merely scooped a few handfuls of earth so it covered his body, but not deeply, leaving his face exposed to breathe.
There he lay, breathing deeply and quietly, expanding his senses, especially his sensing of the strange magnetic field.