Chapter 210 Introduction to Soulology

The journey to the City of Wandering always brings surprises, at least that's what Lyle thought, because every trip to the city had yielded something for him. The four members of the Necromancer Figure Club had just struck a fantastic deal with the Demon Race. Twenty Spine Wheels were exchanged for tons of Demon Race Horn measured by the ton.

Before the deal began, the four of them were very satisfied.

When the reward of two hundred thousand Oliou was democratically voted to be converted into what they claimed was the even more precious material of Demon Race Horn, three were satisfied. Mr. Lyle was making an effort to restrain the impulse to disassemble his companions into Lich Dust.

But his own instruction in etiquette still made Lyle hold back his anger and meticulously explain to his clients how to use the Spine Wheels.