Chapter 211 Spirit Transformation

Although your initiation is indeed correct, the price of this initiation is too outrageous, isn't it?

Does Soulology really require the price of one's life just to get started? Lyle had already seen what his fall would look like, no different than a watermelon. He stepped back a few times, colliding with his companions.

"What's the matter? Boss."

"I... I'm afraid of heights." He couldn't reveal his human identity yet.

Shiny touched the scales on her cheek, "Okay, then I'll go first. Once I put myself back together at the bottom, you all jump one by one, and I'll catch you." Shiny walked up nonchalantly.

The threat of jumping off a building to Liches wasn't really that great; their resistance was mostly due to the deception in Mr. Astonishment's words, given that they weren't much friendlier than the other two factions. Although this operation was a bit terrifying for Lyle.

Lyle spoke in a faint voice that only he could hear clearly.