Chapter 539 Giant Dragon and Dragon Priest

The tomb they had broken into was built by the mermaid tribe's Dragon Priestess Princess for her beloved, and although Lyle hadn't reached the scene, only gaining a vague understanding through Mr. Zhiyan's trembling narration, there was one thing he was very certain of.

Mr. Zhiyan and Mr. Giant Dragon must have run into big trouble.

"Plague Doctor, do you know what sound it makes when ice crystals grow inside a skull? It's like there are five or six rats gnawing inside your brain, the relentless squeaks of rodents. You might even feel that being encased in ice wouldn't be so bad, at least sparing you from the worry of that swelling sensation bursting your head open the next instant..." Mr. Zhiyan placed the tips of his right-hand fingers to his lips, gnawing at them, leaving one unable to determine if the chattering of his teeth was due to a chewing habit or simply pure fear.

Princess left quite an impression on Mr. Zhiyan.