"Mr. Scholar is both a good teacher and a friend, and I think you are well aware of that. Now that I have become the head professor of White Bone Spirit Summoning Studies, my tomb-robbing days with Zhiyan are also over." The gradually awakening sunlight illuminated the dew on the pale ossified desk, the brightness tearing apart the tree shadows and scattering them at Lyle's feet.

Mr. Giant Dragon ended his past with a playful joke. "Sometimes I wonder if Mr. Scholar befriended me to prevent us from opening a second or a third Dragon Priest's tomb. But it does not matter anymore, for a dead Dragon Priest is nowhere as valuable as a living one. I have come to understand more clearly about the legendary creature that is the Giant Dragon, and I have eagerly wished to become one of the Dragon Priests, but those individuals were once unwilling to accept me."