Chapter 11 Processing


"Bastard! Look at the state you've beaten them into, and you still claim they were bullying you?"

A teacher shouted angrily.

The commotion here was too great; many students had hurried over after hearing the news.

The corridor outside gradually became packed like sardines.

Shen Ye, facing a multitude of gazes filled with surprise, fear, or schadenfreude, replied leisurely:

"That's right, they tried to hit me, so I had no choice but to defend myself legitimately."

The crowd looked toward the classroom, their expressions slowly turning odd.

Desks and chairs were thrown about in disarray, while several male students lay on the ground, wailing in pain with broken hands and feet—

You call this legitimate self-defense?

A teacher immediately took out a cell phone to contact an ambulance.

Other teachers cautiously surrounded Shen Ye to prevent him from doing anything further.

Shen Ye was unconcerned.

After all, there was video evidence. He had indeed been forced to act.

He stood there, occasionally allocating 4 Attribute Points to Strength, then to Agility, and immediately afterward, to spiritual power.

This too was a form of practice, allowing him to quickly adapt to the state of his various Attributes skyrocketing.

Within the crowd.

Zhao Yibing bit her lip, staring intently at Shen Ye.

She had miscalculated.

All of them combined were no match for him.

She knew he was capable, but she didn't know he was THIS capable!


These years, having always been by his side, she thought she had a clear understanding of his strength.

—Who would have thought it would turn into such a big scene.

Zhao Yibing took out her phone and quickly typed a message:

"The deed is done."

Pressing send.

"Bingbing, do you regret it?"

Her best friend's whisper reached her ear.

Zhao Yibing's expression tensed, and she immediately put away her phone.


Yes, what if at that moment when she had called him to the stairwell, she had encouraged him to keep working hard and promised to stay in touch after getting into high school? How would things have turned out then?


There's no going back now.

At this moment, he'd made a big mistake, injuring seven or eight candidates in a serious incident.

He might even lose his qualification to take the middle school exams.

The objective had been achieved.

And he—

He would never be able to affect her again!

"Hmph, I only regret not realizing his true nature sooner," Zhao Yibing said.

She suddenly noticed Sun Ming looking at her.

Sun Ming...

Zhao Yibing met his gaze, a bad premonition rising in her heart.

Surely not—

He wouldn't drag her into this mess too, would he?

Just as she thought this, she saw Sun Ming's mouth opening.


Don't say it out loud!

That would only make things worse and help nothing.


Sun Ming called out with a sobbing tone.

There was a moment of silence around them.

Everyone turned their gaze toward Zhao Yibing.

Even several teachers looked at her with curious eyes.

Zhao Yibing was stunned.

It was only at this moment she realized not all top-ranking students possessed her level of mature judgment.

Idiot Sun Ming!

Did you even think before dragging me into a brawl?

What if it affected my image? What then?

Zhao Yibing began to cry, wiping her tears while loudly saying,

"He's bullying you like this—Sun Ming, I'm calling the police right now!"

She moved aside to make the emergency call.

With one action, she managed to uphold justice and take Sun Ming's side.

She had made the best possible response.

Once the police arrived, the injuries on everyone will prove how right her choice was.

Lucky she reacted quickly.

After this incident, she must cut all ties with Sun Ming.

It's impossible for him to take the movement technique exam with his broken leg.

He's finished.

Zhao Yibing calculated rapidly as she made the call.

The call went through.

"Hello, is this the police? We are at..."

Seeing her actually calling the police, everyone suddenly became anxious.

Homeroom teacher Jiang Hantao looked grave.

A student calling the police would make the situation even more troublesome.

With the middle school exams imminent, this was not a matter that should occupy the students' attention.

They ought to be focusing on review.

Several teachers exchanged glances, all sharing the same thought.

"Alright, disperse now."

"Go eat, take a break!"

"You lot, stop staring; go back to the dorm!"

The students were chased away.

"Shen Ye, come to the office with me," Jiang Hantao said.

"Yes, Teacher Jiang," Shen Ye replied.

The two entered the office one after the other.

Jiang Hantao closed the door and said with a heavy voice:

"Shen Ye, tell me everything clearly, or it will be too late."



"Okay, let's see the truth then."


Shen Ye opened his contacts on his phone and sent a video over.

Jiang Hantao immediately opened it.

The more he watched, the more astonished he became, and a thought suddenly crossed his mind.

He had heard that today the principal was accompanying a VIP to the school to pick out promising students...

With Shen Ye's performance in the video, his strength had clearly exceeded previous expectations and could be considered surpassing that of a typical middle school student.

He should send the video to the principal right away.

—This could be Shen Ye's opportunity!

With that thought, Jiang Hantao immediately clicked on the video and chose "Forward".

On the other side.

The principal's office.

"Manager Qian, all the students at our school are excellent. You should at least sign a few."

The principal poured a cup of hot tea and placed it in front of the other person.

Manager Qian shook his head:

"It's not that I don't want to help, but if they don't meet our standards, there's really nothing I can do to sign them."

"Why not sign one or two here and cultivate them slowly? With your resources and strength, you can surely make them strong." The principal said.

"We only want genuinely good seedlings; other students can just try for high school on their own." Manager Qian said, lounging back with his legs crossed.

"Come on, try some of my treasured tea leaves; we can continue while sipping tea." The principal persisted.

Both men lifted their teacups.

At that moment, a cell phone suddenly rang.

The principal casually picked it up to have a look, but it was a video sent by Jiang Hantao.

Old Jiang, though we get along well, you slack off during work hours and now you send me these videos?

I'm the principal, but I have a lot to deal with too.

You think I have the leisure to watch your videos?

...Is it any good though?

The principal casually played the video and started watching it.

Manager Qian was about to take a sip of his warm tea when suddenly a loud shout filled his ears:

"Damn, this strength is impressive!"

The principal stood up "swoosh, his gaze fixed on the screen, muttering quickly:

"Incredible, incredible—the strength far exceeds the requirements for middle school, look at this resistance to blows, and the force of that kick, giving him a chance could surely send him soaring!"

"Pfft!" Manager Qian spat out a mouthful of tea.

He wiped his mouth with a handkerchief and sighed, "Is this how you recommend students now?

The principal, without bothering to argue, said:

"Manager Qian, there's a student's video I want you to see—no, just watch it on my phone."

He handed over his phone.

Manager Qian took the phone and started watching the video, somewhat distracted.

A few moments later.

He put his teacup down, sat up straight, and started watching the phone intently with both hands.

The video ended soon.

"Facing multiple opponents... indeed, not a bad strength." Manager Qian pondered and continued, "Plus, the movement technique I saw earlier is perfect too, it is indeed worth discussing in person."

The principal bounced up from his chair and exclaimed, "Let's go, I'll take you to him."

Manager Qian stood up, a smile appearing on his face, reminding, "You'll need to address the fact he was fighting."

"Fighting? What fighting? He was clearly merely defending himself after being bullied, right, Manager Qian?"


A while later.

The office door was suddenly pushed open, and Class Teacher Jiang Hantao walked in, followed by the principal and several police officers.

The officers first looked at the video on the phone.

The footage was clear, the people recognizable, the language, the threatening gestures, and who initiated the attack—all were recorded.

This was evidence of bullying.

—Before it all began, Shen Ye had placed his phone on the windowsill and pressed the video recording button.

A police officer with a complex expression asked:

"You were prepared for this from the beginning?"

"Teacher, they were many, and I was afraid they were going to beat me to death, so I had to fight back desperately."

Shen Ye said amiably.

Everyone from the principal to the teacher, and then to the officers, was stunned.


This student had been through that ordeal.

Now even the hospital was closed.

This student seemed alright, but had missed an exam already, and now his classmates had cornered him in the classroom to beat him up.

From start to finish, the whole incident was indeed him getting attacked and only after taking a few hits, he fought back.

Should they arrest him?

What if it affected his mental state?

Things might get even more complicated.

"If we're talking about it, even if it doesn't qualify as self-defense, it was a mutual fight." Jiang Hantao glanced at the officers and whispered.

The officers did not respond for a moment.

—They had to wait for the medical examination of those students to know the extent of the incident.

In a gentle voice, the principal said:

"Classmate Shen, fortunately, you recorded the whole process with your phone, or their injuries would have been enough to get you expelled."

A voice came from the back of the crowd:

"Right, your physical fitness has far exceeded that of an average middle school student, fighting them was meaningless."

Jiang Hantao turned around, delighted, "Manager Qian?"

Everyone was moved, and they stepped aside to make way.

A scruffy, disheveled middle-aged man walked in, eying Shen Ye while smiling and saying:

"I've seen the video of your fight, though it's only half of it, but you were holding back your punches, weren't you?"

"Yes, I was afraid of killing someone." Shen Ye admitted honestly.

"A fine young man of high moral standards—the Brain System thinks your strength is at least 4.5, and the movement technique you did outside for the simulation test was perfect. This earns my recommendation," the middle-aged man said.

He handed Shen Ye a business card and smiled, "Alright, I would like to have a chat with you."

Have a chat?

Shen Ye instinctively looked towards Old Jiang.

He saw that his class teacher, Old Jiang, gave him an encouraging look.

The principal was brimming with excitement.

Even the police officers nearby put away their stern faces, softening the atmosphere in the office.


What's this all about?