Chapter 12 Am I Really a Genius?

Shen Ye glanced at the business card, which read:

Qian Rushan.

Regional Manager, Human Martial Arts Group.

His memory opened up again, rapidly searching for relevant knowledge.

So it was this behemoth...

A glint of realization flashed through Shen Ye's eyes.

Every year, who knows how many middle-school graduates longed for its favor.

The Human Martial Arts Group held the inheritance of all kinds of martial arts knowledge, a conglomerate organization with an abundance of intellectual property rights and copyrights of martial arts secrets.

In the entire world, apart from those great families that had been passed down since ancient times, it held the most extensive inheritance of martial arts knowledge.

As for the great families—

It was said that some of these families possessed knowledge, divine artifacts, and bloodline pacts handed down from divine spirits of the Ancient Era.

Apart from the legends, the great families also firmly controlled a vast amount of land, population, and wealth resources in reality.

Exalted high above the common people, the great families stood separated by an insurmountable chasm.

For ordinary people born into poverty, gaining entry into the Human Martial Arts Group was virtually like jumping over the dragon's gate, leaving behind their ordinary social class.

This was a road connecting to heaven!

Shen Ye looked towards the long-haired, scruffy bearded middle-aged man sitting opposite him.

The man appeared very amiable, smiling as he spoke, engendering an involuntary trust.

In Shen Ye's previous life's judgment, this kind of person was clearly seasoned in the business world for who knows how many years.

But there was something about him that Shen Ye couldn't see through.


Just by sitting there, he felt that he couldn't attack the man no matter what.

It was an indescribable feeling from deep within.

"Classmate Shen, may I presumptuously ask just how high your strength attribute is?"

Manager Qian asked leisurely.

"5." Shen Ye said.

Manager Qian's expression softened even more.

Old Jiang and the principal looked at each other with wide eyes.

The policemen whispered among themselves off to the side.

"Really 5?" Manager Qian kept his composure and smiled as he took over the conversation, "At the junior high stage, a strength of 4.5 is sufficient to pass our group's assessment threshold, but 5, that's even more extraordinary."

"Is 5 a lot?" Shen Ye asked.

"With a strength of 5, you can operate some of the combat models of mobile armored suits and also manage to wield some of the broken, normal grade ancient weapons."

"Plus, your movement technique is full marks, and you're only 15 years old."

"—It's truly flawlessly impressive."

At this point, Manager Qian couldn't help but glance at the principal.

Why didn't they mention earlier how exceptional his strength attribute was, but instead chatted with him about spiritual power?

If they had known about his strength of 5, he would have signed Shen Ye on the spot in the playground just now.

"You flatter me, just now, I even got into a fight."

Shen Ye said.

"Never mind the fight, join our group, and I will arrange for you to retake the strength test," Manager Qian said.

"Another test is possible?" Shen Ye asked, surprised.

He couldn't help but give Old Jiang another look.

Old Jiang and the principal nodded their heads vigorously, their eyes beaming with delight.

"It's usually not permissible, but sometimes, to avoid overlooking talent, our group has the authority to suggest to the Education Bureau to hold a special re-examination for certain students," Manager Qian explained nonchalantly.

"Of course, I am willing to retake the test!" Shen Ye said.

"Good, then that's settled. After you pass, I will come to sign you."

Manager Qian stood up, ready to leave, when he suddenly remembered something, turned his head, and added:

"Oh right, I forgot to ask—how much is your spiritual power?"

"3." Shen Ye gave a modest number.

There was no choice.

In the Five Major Attributes, middle school didn't assess "Comprehension" or "Resonance."

With "Strength," "Agility," "Spiritual Power" being the three being evaluated, he couldn't possibly be exceptional in every category, could he?

3 shouldn't be too outrageous.


Shen Ye was still uncertain when he noticed that Manager Qian's motion to leave had halted.

Manager Qian's smile disappeared, and his demeanor turned solemn:

"Classmate Shen, could you demonstrate for us? I recalled that a spiritual power of 3 allows one to levitate a chair—"

Shen Ye understood, immediately channeled Attribute Points into his spiritual power, and looked towards a chair.

Influenced by his intent, the chair rose slightly, hovering motionless in mid-air.

The whole office fell into dead silence.

The police were the first to react.

The leading officer said in a low voice, "Let's go, team out."

Under his lead, several police officers were the first to leave the office.

A few moments later,

The chair fell to the floor, emitting a loud noise.

"I can only maintain it for so long."

Shen Ye sighed.

However, Manager Qian's eyes suddenly shone.

"Hahaha! Who would have thought, who would have thought!"

He laughed out loud, seemingly transformed into someone else entirely, suddenly smacked his forehead forcefully, leapt up from the chair, and with a radiant face, he sang:

"Once destitute on the streets I lay, now I ask to the immortals I play, fortune arrives, and the world aids my cause, together we'll ascend to the azure clouds above~"

"Young Master Shen, you're blessed with good fortune! And so am I!"

Shen Ye was dumbfounded.

This... is so awkward...

Was he supposed to sing too?

He couldn't do it.

He turned to look at Old Jiang and the principal, only to see the two of them also standing there, stunned.

——It seems even they didn't know that this "Manager Qian" had such a side to him.

But the two old foxes reacted much faster than Shen Ye.

The principal took the lead, followed by Old Jiang, the two of them clapped vigorously, and started to cheer loudly.

"Well sung, Manager Qian!"

"I've never heard such a good singing voice, Manager Qian!"

——Both of them unanimously engaged in flattery!

A few minutes later.

The principal and Old Jiang were asked to leave the office.

Manager Qian had a private conversation with Shen Ye.

"I can retake the exam once again, right?"

Shen Ye asked, feeling worried.

Qian Rushan gestured with a "stop" motion, speaking with deep concern,

"Shen Ye, what is your life's aspiration?"

"Your name is my aspiration," Shen Ye replied honestly.

Qian Rushan chuckled, "That's the most basic thing, I want to know what is the dream you desire the most."


The assassin was the first thing that came to Shen Ye's mind.

If even his home wasn't safe, where could he hide?


If he had enough strength, why would he need to hide?

"At least not to be bullied, to be able to protect myself and my family," Shen Ye said.

Qian Rushan grinned,

"Now is the moment in your life when you are closest to your dream."

"How so?" Shen Ye asked.

Qian Rushan beckoned him,

"Come on, attack me."

"Pah, you greasy, hairy, lecherous old man!" Shen Ye pointed and cursed at him.

"Don't attack with words, use your fists," Manager Qian said exasperated.


Shen Ye swung a fist toward Qian Rushan's cheek.

Qian Rushan narrowed his eyes ever so slightly.

Immediately, Shen Ye found himself unable to move.

It was as if something invisible had grabbed hold of him, completely robbing him of the ability to move.

"What is this?" Shen Ye exclaimed in surprise.

"This is a Technique that can immobilize the attacker, by learning it you can protect yourself," Manager Qian explained.

"Amazing," Shen Ye assessed.

"Do you want to learn it?" Qian Rushan asked.

"Yes," Shen Ye replied.

"Watch carefully, it's not over yet—"

Manager Qian released the Technique and took out a handgun, aiming it at his own temple.

This scene was so familiar that Shen Ye couldn't help but reminisce about Blue Star, quoting aloud,

"In all of martial arts, no fortress is impenetrable, only speed is unbreakable."


A gunshot rang out.

Manager Qian did not move.

The bullet stopped one centimeter from Qian Rushan's temple, suspended in the air.

"This is another Dao Technique from the group's secret collection, capable of defending against all kinds of hidden weapons, bullets are no problem—what were you just saying?"

Manager Qian asked curiously.

"Nothing, I was just saying, wow, that's impressive," Shen Ye responded.

Truly impressive.

This was a bona fide Technique!

Although he knew the demonstration was intentional, he was genuinely tempted.

——I need to live well in this world, and for that, I need to gain powerful strength!

Of course he had to learn such incredible Techniques.

Qian Rushan reminisced, "That phrase you just said was quite imposing. Did you come up with it?"

"Haha, just said it on the fly, please don't mind it," Shen Ye joked.

"So it is, let's continue with the important matters. I now formally invite you to join our 'Hidden Dragon Project', our group's supernova training program."

"Hidden Dragon Project?" Shen Ye inquired.

Manager Qian spoke at length, "We will recommend you to the top three high schools in the world—of course, you would need to undergo a strict entrance examination—not the middle school exam, but an exam set by these three high schools themselves."

"If you pass the exam and get into any of these schools, all your food, accommodation, tuition, resource fees, and equipment will be covered by the group."

"If you get eliminated, you can still be guaranteed a place in other key provincial high schools."

Shen Ye remembered what had just happened and couldn't help but say, "I just got into a fight—"

Qian Rushan waved his hand dismissively, "If you didn't dare to fight back, I wouldn't want you at all. The group will take care of such minor issues for you."

"The group offers such good treatment," Shen Ye exclaimed.

Qian Rushan spread his arms wide, with an exaggerated tone,

"Strength beyond full marks, Agility full marks, spiritual power beyond full marks. Classmate Shen, do you not realize how rare this is? You have a talent that surpasses your peers!"

"——You are a genius!"

Shen Ye fell silent for a moment.

——Actually, I'm not that strong, I just added my Attribute Points.


Attribute Points are also my own Talent Abilities?

Then it's fine.

I really am a genius beyond my peers!

But even so, I've only just qualified to take the entrance exams for those three high schools.

...And I have no idea how tough the exams will be.

Suddenly, Shen Ye started to feel anxious.