Chapter 16 Iron Gate!

Shen Ye carefully closed the cabinet, ensuring it produced not a sound, and simultaneously turned his head to look toward the office door.

The door was tightly shut.

Good, no one had come.

Just as he relaxed, someone outside began knocking on every door along the hallway, shouting loudly,

"Everybody out, gather downstairs for inspection!"

Shen Ye was immediately thrown into a dilemma.

Should he expose the murderer right away?


Even the police chief was no match for him.

Once his identity was exposed, by the time he returned, perhaps before others could react, he would be able to kill Shen Ye.

He would kill anyone who interfered.

And upon further thought—

Who could prove he didn't have accomplices?

His accomplices might be hiding right within the police station.

In other words, Shen Ye was still in danger!

—According to "Whispers of the Dark"'s power, Luo Feichuan wouldn't be able to lie to him.

He had to heed the advice and hurry to the armory on the third floor!

Just as Shen Ye was about to move, a sudden burst of footsteps sounded from outside.

Someone was coming!

Without hesitation, Shen Ye raised his hand toward the void and whispered "Door" in his mind.

A door appeared accordingly.

This door looked exactly like the main door to the police chief's office.

The parchment on the door had also been replaced with an official document.

This ability was quite adept at creating doors, which adapted to the environment they appeared in.

—However, such a door standing alone here was far too conspicuous.

Shen Ye mentally uttered "Disperse."

The door immediately vanished.

He quickly stood up, walked to the wall, pressed his hand against it, and said in a low voice,


—A door appeared on the wall.

If an unfamiliar person entered the office, they would likely assume there was another room beyond the wall where the door stood.

Shen Ye pushed the door open, entered the Nightmare World, and promptly shut the door behind him.

The sinister corridor was empty.

The great skeleton had been gone for a while, and relatively speaking, it was still safe here.

Shen Ye observed for a moment, then looked out through the window glass.

—This was the spot he had chosen, where he could watch both the office door and the view outside the window.

Before long.

As expected, someone came to knock on the door of the police chief's office.

"Shen Ye, right? Police Chief Luo is calling you to gather downstairs."

No response.

Someone quietly speculated,

"Strange, shall we open the door and have a look?"

"That kid should be inside, perhaps he fainted from fright?"

Just as the door was about to be opened, suddenly another voice rose,

"You all go downstairs, I will call Shen Ye."

—This was a very calm voice.

"Okay, Captain Wang."

"Then we'll go ahead and gather."

The sound of footsteps faded away

A second before the door to the office was pushed open, the "door" on the wall disappeared.

Shen Ye leaned back against the wall and sat down in the corridor of the Nightmare World.

Though temporarily unable to see what was happening in the police chief's office, he could guess a thing or two.

This person known as "Captain Wang" had dismissed the other officers.

He must have had some purpose in mind.

Perhaps Shen Ye's guess was correct.

The murderer was not acting alone.

On the other side.

The police chief's office.

A tall and sturdy man walked in, looking around with a smile as he said,

"Shen Ye, come out."

"After the attack incident, everyone must immediately undergo a central computer system examination."

There was no response.

The man's smile remained, and without turning back, he closed the door and spoke in a gentle voice,

"I know you're somewhat frightened, but only Police Chief Luo has been taken away by the technique, which means—"

"You are safe."

"Besides, we are all police here, and we will definitely take good care of you."

Silently, a black dagger appeared in his hand.

Yet, there was no movement in the room, nothing out of the ordinary.

The man strode to the corner and opened the cupboard.

The corpse was still there.

He looked at the corpse, and the smile slowly faded from his face.

The position of the body had slightly changed.

—This was the stiffness of muscles left by a soul's departure.

The man watched the corpse.

"Been tampered with, was it you, Shen Ye?"


Seven or eight black silhouettes emerged behind him, flashing through the room like lightning, making their presence known.

Once all the black figures returned behind him, he slowly put away the dagger.

"Hmph, not here."

He muttered to himself in a self-mocking tone,

"Killed so many, yet I was too arrogant before a fifteen-year-old kid, thinking the task was too simple..."

"This was our mistake."

"Next, I will correct this."

The man known as Captain Wang turned around, walked out of the office, and descended the stairs, addressing all the officers with a serious expression,

"I highly suspect that Shen Ye is related to this incident."

"Could he be a member of some church?" asked an officer.

"Very likely," Captain Wang replied.

He swept a subtle glance over the crowd.

Fear, hatred, revulsion.

Yes, you should all wear such expressions.

"Issue a warrant immediately, anyone who sees Shen Ye should capture him or notify me promptly," Captain Wang ordered.

"Yes, Chief!" the crowd responded.

An electronic voice suddenly resounded through the hall,

"The central computer system has completed the environmental discrimination work."

"Preliminary estimate, the duration of the current situation is:

"20 minutes."

"After 20 minutes, everything will return to normal."

Everyone was invigorated.

—Only 20 minutes!

As long as Police Chief Luo held on for 20 minutes, he would survive and return!

The electronic voice continued,

"Everyone, please gather in the plaza outside the hall, ready for the inspection."

Captain Wang quickly walked to the door, looking outside.

The area outside was already cordoned off.

His nostrils flared slightly.

The eruption of the Technique just now had left behind the scent of another world.

The ocean breeze, still carrying its chill and briny scent, lingered in the air.

"Ocean Abyss..."

"It must be the Silent Church, a bunch of madmen who enjoy wrecking other people's business."

He thought silently, a flash of murderous intent passing through his eyes.

Second floor.

Police Chief's office.

The first thing to appear on the wall was a window.

An eyeball peeked through the window, immediately spotting the tightly closed door.

Subsequently, he carefully observed the entire room, and after making sure everything was clear, he slowly opened the door and gently landed inside the room.

Shen Ye was very clear about one thing in his heart.

—These assassins were not something he could handle.

In junior high, you only lay the foundations.

In high school, you learn moves, use weapons, and choose your profession.

Right now, he was just a junior high student.

He couldn't even handle a spear properly, knew no combat moves, so how could he fight assassins of that caliber?

—Hurry to the third floor!

Shen Ye quickly added all 4 Attribute Points to Agility and opened another intact window.

This window was at the back of the police station.

Shen Ye jumped out directly, grabbing onto the drainpipe next to the wall, using his hands and feet to climb swiftly to the third floor.

He found an open window, glanced through it, and immediately jumped in.

This seemed to be the records room.

All sorts of dusty old files were quietly resting on rows of shelves.

—I must find the weapons storage room quickly!

Taking advantage of everyone gathering in the square outside the hall, Shen Ye pushed open the door and stepped into the hallway, looking around.

On the other side of the corridor, there was indeed a thick iron door with a "Weapons Storage" sign hanging on it.

That silver wall was right outside the storage room!

Next to the wall hung a pen.

Shen Ye hurried forward, running while fumbling that piece of paper out of his pocket—

A gust of wind blew by.

His expression changed drastically as he slapped his hand onto the door of the weapons storage room.


In an instant.

An identical iron door shot up, blocking the door to the weapons storage room.

As the door materialized, a window at the other end of the corridor opened, and a shadow silently dropped to the ground.

Captain Wang.

His face wore a harmless smile as he said cheerily:

"I wondered why I heard noises up here... Turns out it's Shen Ye, what are you doing here?"

Shen Ye didn't look at him, grabbed the pen, and started copying down the code rapidly.

"You know, I have my middle school exams soon, my teacher left some math problems today, I need to work through them quickly."

Damn it.

Why is this code so long?

"Children shouldn't lie, it won't end well for you," Captain Wang said.

Just as he was about to make his move, Shen Ye suddenly kicked the iron door, issuing a "thud."

The door slowly opened.

Inside was a gloomy and dim corridor.


If you looked closely, the corridor seemed even more like some kind of secret passage.

Captain Wang paused.

"Something's not right..."

He watched the secret passage inside the door intently, murmuring to himself.

——How could a secret passage appear in the weapons storage room on the third floor of the police station?

Where does it lead?

Seizing the opportunity, Shen Ye quickly wrote down a few more passwords.

Captain Wang's expression changed.

That was the emergency activation device connected to the World Government's central artificial intelligence; he could not let him keep writing!

"Kid, I'll deal with you first,"

His words had barely ended when he charged at Shen Ye.

Almost simultaneously with his movement, Shen Ye put down the pen, twisted his body, and also charged towards his opponent.

——The opponent was no fool, and Shen Ye had no other way to buy time!


Captain Wang let out a sound of surprise.

He had expected that Shen Ye would try to escape through that door.

He only needed to accelerate and catch him in time.

But instead, Shen Ye charged towards him.

Was he seeking a confrontation?

Captain Wang licked his lips, drew a black dagger, and said, "Brave and foolish boy, I will sever your head right now."

The two rapidly closed the distance between them.

Captain Wang was ready to strike——

Suddenly, Shen Ye twisted his body and crashed towards a window to the side.


He shattered the window glass, tilted his physique, and immediately activated the "Dodge" of "Moonlight Deer Step." Like skimming over waves, he swiftly bounded several steps on the outer wall of the third floor, covering a long distance, grabbed onto a windowsill, and flipped back into the corridor through the open window.

——That open window was the very one Captain Wang had opened!

Shen Ye had made a loop outside the wall and arrived at the other end of the corridor!

Captain Wang closely followed him.

——But did Shen Ye not know this?

He put all his Attribute Points into Agility and shouted, "Charge!"

"Moonlit Deer Charge!"

Leaning forward, he surged down the long corridor like an arrow shot from a bow, returning to the front of the silver wall.

He took out the pen and continued writing passwords on the wall, while his left hand held a pistol, pulling the trigger.

Bang, bang, bang!

Three shots in quick succession forced Captain Wang, who had just landed at the other end of the corridor, to dodge back and forth.

This bought a bit more time.

Captain Wang was led around by Shen Ye and then startled by the sudden appearance of his gun, and his body overflowed with murderous intent.

Where did this kid learn such movement techniques?

No, he had indeed been careless.

The commotion had already drawn the attention of the people in the square outside.

He had to kill him quickly!


Captain Wang roared loudly, yet stood still.

Shen Ye raised an eyebrow.

He had been so eager in pursuit just moments ago, but now he stood motionless; was he preparing for a ranged attack?

Without hesitation, Shen Ye mentally activated "Door."

A steel door suddenly appeared before him.


A black dagger struck heavily against the door, then clattered to the floor.


That was close, it really was a ranged attack!

Shen Ye exhaled deeply while continuing to write passwords rapidly.

The thrown dagger, with its speed and force, was not something he could have dealt with.

——Fortunately, he had placed the door in front to block it!

Even more fortuitously, the door had appropriately transformed into one from the weapons storage room!