Chapter 17 Reinforcements!


"What is this? Your Talent Abilities?"

Captain Wang asked, his voice filled with astonishment and doubt.

Shen Ye didn't answer.

Damn it, the password was just too long, and that pen wasn't working very well either. Writing too quickly was also no good.

It was maddening!


A loud banging noise came from the iron door.

Captain Wang was attacking the door!


He kicked the door with all his might, and the door immediately flew towards Shen Ye, hurtling through the air.


Shen Ye kept his hands moving, chanting silently in his mind.

The door instantly vanished.

"I'm going to kill you—"

Captain Wang roared, charging straight at him.

"Door!" Shen Ye chanted again.

With a loud clang, Captain Wang, charging too hastely and caught off guard, smashed his head into the iron door, ending up with a large lump on his forehead.

This mockery finally pushed him over the edge.

"Do you think you can stop me with this? Ridiculous..."

His killing intent flaring, he twisted his body, broke through the wall, bypassed the iron door, and rushed towards Shen Ye.

At that moment, Shen Ye set his pen down.

—The password was finally complete.

Three lines of glowing text appeared on the wall:

"Password verification correct."

"Kunlun has arrived, now commencing review of emergency response."

"Initiating complete scan of the police precinct."

Then a polite and deep male voice resonated off the silver walls:

"Luo Feichuan's corpse has been located, brainwave termination successfully verified."

"Identity verification of the head of serious crimes, Wang Xuemu, indicates a false identity."

"Dispatching the nearest High-level Professional."

"Human Martial Arts Group regional manager Qian Rushan has been summoned."

"Given the current situation's severity, the decision to execute immediately has been made."

"Countdown to execution of the murderer impersonating Wang Xuemu will commence in 30 seconds."

"Countdown starting!"


With the wall shattered, Captain Wang, knife in hand, advanced towards Shen Ye.

But in the instant before, Shen Ye had placed his hand on the weapons storage room door and muttered lowly, "Door."

Another iron door appeared in front of the first.

Dodging into it, he vanished straight away.

—He was not a match for his opponent at all; there was no point in thinking of a direct confrontation, the first thing to consider was how to escape!

Shen Ye thought this and acted accordingly.

It was precisely this unhesitating evasive action that allowed him to narrowly avoid the other's attack.

Captain Wang rushed up to the silver wall.

Shen Ye had just entered the door.

The two passed by each other again.

However, this time Captain Wang did not pursue him further.

He could no longer focus on killing Shen Ye, instead sliding to the side, hiding in the corridor with only one eye peering out the window.

"Are the Kunlun forces calling in their soldiers to kill me? Dream on," he sneered.

The deep, beautiful male voice on the silver walls took up the conversation:

"Mongrel, I fooled you."




An afterimage appeared on the street outside at an unbelievable speed, whooshing as it dashed forth.

Captain Wang's expression changed as he gripped the black dagger in his hand.

Sudden aberrations!


The explosive and exhilarating sound of a blade's song, like an air raid siren, suddenly escalated and shattered all the glass.

People instinctively covered their ears.

The afterimage moved exceedingly quickly; in a flash, it had pierced through the wall.

Qian Rushan!

This disheveled, lackadaisical middle-aged man actually burst through the wall, suddenly appearing in the corridor behind Captain Wang.

He lowered his head and slowly sheathed the straight-backed long sword, intoning softly:

"In the world of martial arts, nothing is indestructible, only speed is invincible!"

Behind him,

A spray of blood soared into the sky.

Captain Wang was sliced in half at the waist; his legs knelt down trembling, as if he was about to dodge.

But the opponent's blade was too fast, and he reacted too late!

In his final moments, Captain Wang's face was full of ferocity. He dropped the dagger and swiftly brought his hands together, about to execute some Technique.


His upper body split cleanly down the middle, the halves separating from each other.

Thus, the distance between his hands grew too far apart for them to meet, denying him any chance to use his Technique.

He was dead.


The weapons storage room door opened.

Shen Ye darted out, closed the door, and said with a look of gratitude, "Thank you, President Qian, for stepping in."

A few minutes later.

Qian Rushan sat in the police station lobby, smoking while shaking his leg.

"Did I look cool just now?" he asked.

"Cool." Shen Ye played along.

"Mmm, Shen, you indeed have insight. I can take care of everything else for you, but you must tell the truth about that set of codes," Qian Rushan cautioned.

Shen Ye shrugged and said, "The codes were given by Luo Feichuan. He felt unsafe, so he gave them to me in advance, saying that if anything happened, I should use them immediately."

"Really? He thought he might encounter danger, so he gave you a set of codes?"

"Yes," Shen Ye said calmly, "he inadvertently angered the Silent Church, and it seems that the person chasing me has also targeted him."

"He told me that if he died, I must write down the codes immediately on the silver wall on the third floor of the police station."

"That would save my life."

Qian Rushan said, "But how did you know he died?"

"I have a talent that lets me sense corpses," Shen Ye said.

"So the moment you entered the office, you knew there was a body in that cabinet?" Qian Rushan was somewhat interested.

"Yes." Shen Ye said.

"Being able to sense corpses... that counts as a talent, not bad," Qian Rushan said.

"Do you need me to prove it?" Shen Ye asked.

"No need. I'll find you when I need your assistance in the future," Qian Rushan said.

Looking at Shen Ye's face, which seemed to say "Is that all it takes to get through?", he couldn't help but laugh:

"Talent is something indefinable. I know a doctor who, whenever he is on the night shift, there are bound to be several emergencies in the ward."

"Are you sure it wasn't his doing?" Shen Ye couldn't help asking.

Qian Rushan, quite enjoying the conversation, went on, "It's been thoroughly checked, odd as hell. Anyway, he's got that disaster-prone constitution."

"I also know someone in intelligence. Every time he's on a mission, a woman falls in love with him. She'll be entangled with him for days, get pregnant, and only separate from him after the next mission. Just like the protagonist in a movie."

"—So, you're really nothing special."

Shen Ye fell silent, with his head down.

Compared to that, he indeed wasn't anything special.

The damned world.

He'd rather go back to Blue Star, eating popcorn and watching various superheroes on the screen save the world and maintain peace; rather than living in a world that seemed flashily awesome but was actually terrifying.

Beep beep beep—

Qian Rushan's phone rang.

"Kunlun has found something," he looked at his phone and shook his head, "the one who's after you is from the Assassins Alliance. They only take jobs online, the assassin doesn't know who wants you dead."

"Kunlun?" Shen Ye repeated.

"Yes, that's the thing that sent me to kill. It's the Central Intelligence System of the World Government. Normally it doesn't bother with trivial matters unless you have the set of codes it gifted, then it will act on your behalf," Qian Rushan said.

"It's a pity about Police Chief Luo," Shen Ye sighed.

"It is quite a pity—he graduated with excellent grades, interned for two years, and did well in his previous work," Qian Rushan said.

"But why didn't he call for backup? He could have found Kunlun in advance to handle the problem," Shen Ye said.

Beep beep beep—

Qian Rushan's phone rang again.

He glanced at it, his expression suddenly turning solemn.

"Shen Ye, come with me."

"Ah, okay."

The two of them went upstairs, one after the other, back to the police chief's office.

Several people in white lab coats were examining Luo Feichuan's body, while two men in black stood next to them, having opened a secret compartment in the wall and waiting there for Qian Rushan.

"President Qian."

"Mmm, what's the situation?"

"Look at this weapon."

Qian Rushan and Shen Ye looked toward the secret compartment, where a small, metal-made hand lay.

On closer inspection, one could see a line of small characters along the edge of the metal hand:

"Beyond the soul, everything else can be a body."

As Shen Ye looked at these words, he immediately recalled another gigantic entity in this world.

Zhilie Equipment Research Institute.

From mechas and prosthetics to firearms and munitions, the Zhilie Equipment Research Institute was always at the forefront.

The man in black said:

"This is Luo Feichuan's steel prosthetic. It contains a virus in its program which prevents it from starting."

"Is it completely ruined?" Qian Rushan asked.

"Not at all." The other man in black gave the hand a light tap.

The steel hand swelled instantly, unfolding a series of upright steel scales, from which deep red flames emerged.

The temperature in the room rose several degrees.

"Once Luo Feichuan died, it started working again," the man in black said.

"So someone intentionally sabotaged it, right?" Qian Rushan asked.

"Exactly, and it had to be someone very familiar with him—Kunlun has given us a task, and we will continue the investigation," the man in black said.

Qian Rushan sighed.

Shen Ye also reflected on Luo Feichuan's situation.

No wonder he told me "there was something wrong with the weapon" at that time.

This powerful and talented police chief, who took the trouble to leave his business card at his home and tried hard to follow up, even giving directions after his death—

—this man faced his enemy without being able to use his weapon and died.

It was really quite regrettable.

Suddenly, Qian Rushan said:

"Shen Ye, you are now part of our group. I'll give you your first lesson today, and I hope you remember it."

"Please, go ahead," Shen Ye said.

"Always beware of those with malicious intentions. They are more terrifying than any monster."

"Thank you, I'll remember that," Shen Ye said.