Chapter 29 Friends? Friends!

He suddenly realized that two knights were watching him, waiting for his response, so he immediately changed his mood and declared with fervor:

"Thank you very much, Your Royal Highness the Prince, I will study diligently and strive to serve my country in the future!"

The two knights nodded in satisfaction.

"You can either travel with the troops returning to the imperial capital or head back on your own. Either way, take this letter and report to the Imperial Military Academy, understand?"

"Understood!" Shen Ye said.

"And take this, too."

A small pouch was stuffed into Shen Ye's hands.

"Kid, go do a good job!"

The knights had completed their mission, mounted their horses, and quickly rode off toward the military camp.

Shen Ye weighed the small pouch in his hand.

The pleasant sound of coins clinking against each other came from inside the bag.

Thank you for the kindness of the Prince.

With these coins, I'll have enough to cover my living expenses in this world.