Chapter 28 The Real Secret

The table was set with various items.

The man held a tobacco pipe in his mouth and picked up a dagger, saying,

"This is a tactical camouflage dagger."

"What's it for?" Shen Ye asked.

"It's smeared with a special poison—one lick and you'll feign death."

The man blew out a ring of smoke, "So it's especially suitable for assassins on the battlefield."

He tossed the dagger over.

Shen Ye caught it and saw two lines of small characters engraved on the handle of the dagger:

"Manufacture date: May 15, 978;"

"Expiry date: May 16, 980."

"The poison is freshly produced, with a two-year shelf life. Even if you can't sleep well at night, just lick it once for a deep sleep, guaranteed to wake up refreshed the next day," the man said.

Shen Ye put down the dagger and shrugged, "Anything else?"

"Not enough to handle battlefield situations? Then check this out—"

The man whistled softly.


Outside, a horse's whinny was heard.