Chapter 18 First Cooperation

"She's already subdued the Remnant Beasts in such a short time, truly worthy of an Inspector!"

Lin Xiaolu had just landed, and Moke, who followed closely behind her while flapping a pair of tiny wings, popped out from behind her and began to flatter her with a tone that sounded quite fawning.

This kind of behavior wasn't something new in the past day or two, which made Emerald Sparrow wonder if Moke had been involved in corruption within the Magic Kingdom and fled to the material world because of that. Otherwise, there seemed to be no reason for it to be so concerned about the title "Inspector."

No matter how much Emerald Sparrow ignored or refuted this clumsy brown-nosing, it didn't stop Moke from doing it.

If children were to witness this kind of daily groveling and flattery from a fairy, they would likely become disenchanted with the concept of "fairies" from then on.

With a silent sigh, Emerald Sparrow didn't bother with Moke and instead shifted her attention to Lin Xiaolu and Xia Liang.

Clearly, from the moment Lin Xiaolu arrived, the atmosphere between those two was far from harmonious. Lin Xiaolu, who had landed from the sky, wore a look of disgruntlement, contrasting sharply with Xia Liang's beaming smile.

Emerald Sparrow saw Lin Xiaolu's inexplicable hostility towards Xia Liang but thought Xia Liang's behavior, which seemed to revel in agitating Lin Xiaolu, was also problematic.

Seeing that the two were about to start bickering again, Emerald Sparrow held back the urge to sigh, clapped her hands together, and said, "Alright, no fighting for now."

She pointed at the Remnant Beast not far away, trying to redirect their focus, "Today's Remnant Beast isn't very strong; my assessment is that it's around Egg stage, which means as long as you two cooperate and perform normally, you should be able to take care of it quite easily."

As she spoke, Emerald Sparrow looked towards the Remnant Beast not far away, which was still bound by the strands of silk, struggling futilely to break free. Such struggles were useless, but the barely intelligent Remnant Beast couldn't realize that.

She once again manipulated the magic silk in the void, loosening the web binding the Remnant Beast slightly, and turned back to the two newcomers, "I've already told you about the type and weaknesses of this Remnant Beast last night. Now, I will release its restraints, and you two will fight. Unless the situation becomes very dire, I won't intervene."

As the silk threads dispersed, the Remnant Beast that had been crouching rose up, shaking its massive and bloated body, and with its limited intelligence, identified the three Magical Girls at the street corner as the real enemy.

It shook its head, baring its teeth in a snarl, and roared at them again:


"Don't worry, Senior Emerald Sparrow."

Faced with the angry Remnant Beast, Lin Xiaolu was not afraid at all. She lifted her Magic Wand, confidently saying, "I've been studying hard these last few days; the me now is completely different from before!"

"Fighting this big fellow... sounds like fun!"

Xia Liang, however, seemed to be completely focused on something else.

Both were very determined, which Emerald Sparrow found somewhat reassuring, so she said no more, nodding quietly to them.

Then the pale blue and jinzhi-colored Flow of Magical Power burst forth and intertwined. The two Magical Girls soared into the air one after the other, creating a gust of wind as they flew past Emerald Sparrow and charged toward the massive Remnant Beast.

Egg-stage Remnant Beasts are the most numerous, most frequently appearing, and also the weakest of their kind in this world.

"Weak" here is relative to Magical Girls; although Egg-stage Remnant Beasts vary in strength, even the strongest Egg-stage ones often fall to the joint attack of two to three Seed-stage Magical Girls. As for the weaker ones, they can be taken down by a rookie who has just become a Magical Girl.

For this reason, both the material realm and the Magic Kingdom have conducted the most thorough research and gathered the most comprehensive experience on Remnant Beasts, particularly at the egg stage.

Unlike the higher-order Remnant Beasts, those at this stage primarily rely on physical attacks.

Their most distinguishing feature is that they develop special organs that utilize magic power.

Based on these special organs, along with characteristics such as body type, behavioral logic, and habitat, people have categorized egg-stage Remnant Beasts into dozens of types, making it easier for Magical Girls to identify and efficiently eliminate them.

Explosive membrane type, corrosive claw type, rotting scale type, splitting skin type, organ covering type... Different types of Remnant Beasts have different abilities due to their special organs. For instance, the claws of the "corrosive claw type" can corrode objects, while the inter-skin Flow of Magical Power of the "splitting skin type" endows them with extremely high surface temperatures.

As for the Remnant Beast they encountered this time, according to Emerald Sparrow's experience, it undoubtedly belonged to the "dissolving chamber type."

Its characteristics include a relatively large body size, usually over ten meters in height; an abundant secretion of mucus on its surface to reduce damage and assist in movement; and a special organ called the "dissolving chamber," which can mix undigested prey with body fluids and then shoot it out with the force of a high-pressure water cannon, powerful enough to penetrate ordinary concrete.

This type of Remnant Beast is actually not that common because they tend to reside in watery places. The urban environment doesn't suit their physiological habits. Instead, they often congregate in the wilderness, but that's not something a city-based Magical Girl like her needs to worry about.

Now that they've rarely encountered one, it was perfect for Lin Xiaolu and Xia Liang to use it for practice.

However, contrary to what Emerald Sparrow expected, the two newcomers she was instructing were not so much seamlessly coordinated as they were a disorganized mess.

The battle had not been underway for long when Lin Xiaolu nearly got shot down by a Magic Power Beam from Xia Liang.

"You—do you want to kill me?"

Seeing the jinzhi-colored Magic Power streaking close by, she quickly stopped flying and immediately started yelling angrily at Xia Liang.

"Sorry, so sorry," Xia Liang was aware it was her mistake, so she quickly apologized with a smile.

When the Remnant Beast used its dissolving chamber to attack for the first time, Xia Liang had already extended her Magic Wand, gathered the Mana Cannon, aimed at the exposed weakness of the Remnant Beast, but had to abort the attack because Lin Xiaolu suddenly moved into her planned firing trajectory.

"Ah, seriously!"

A clear opportunity to make a difference was lost. Even Xia Liang felt a bit angry under such circumstances, but she still had to put the overall situation first, continuing to fly around the Remnant Beast, looking for other angles to attack.

The two of them fought the Remnant Beast for dozens of rounds with what could be deemed a clumsy combination, and after a long battle, they caused little effective damage to the Remnant Beast but wore themselves out considerably.

Emerald Sparrow, who was standing to one side, saw everything very clearly.

Xia Liang undoubtedly had a strong talent as a Magical Girl. Despite having only trained for a few days and this being her first battle, she seemed to have a natural intuition for finding the right position to attack the Remnant Beast with magic from a distance.

In comparison, Lin Xiaolu was somewhat less adept but still dared to engage fiercely. She had relatively rich combat experience for a newcomer and actively sought the Remnant Beast's weak points using a close-combat mode with high mobility.

Either of these two, if fighting alone, would likely have had the chance to take down this Remnant Beast on their own and might have done so with greater ease than now.

But when they formed a team and needed to coordinate with each other in combat, their inclination towards different fighting styles, coupled with a lack of awareness to work with a partner, resulted in a disastrously ineffective outcome.