Chapter 19: Things Fall Like Rain

The battle between Remnant Beasts and Magical Girls was a process of ebb and flow. After two Magical Girls expended a great deal of stamina and magic power on rookie cooperation mistakes, the Remnant Beast, given a chance to catch its breath, gradually gained the upper hand.

The slime that coated the surface of melt chamber-type Remnant Beasts, along with their amorphous bodies, endowed them with strong regenerative capabilities. Even while they were continuously attacked, they could still slowly recover. Therefore, although this Remnant Beast was always on the defensive, it hadn't sustained any fatal damage.

And when the firepower suppression from the Magical Girls gradually became less dense, the well-preserved beast began its counterattack.

The sign was that Lin Xiaolu, who had been constantly maneuvering around the Remnant Beast, suddenly felt that the area affected by its ground slaps had increased. She began to struggle to dodge its attacks.

She looked up and noticed carefully that the Remnant Beast had covered its claws in a large amount of slime, which increased the contact area when it slapped the ground. This way, even if she wasn't hit by the claws directly, she'd still be stuck if the slime reached her.

Moreover, with the frequency of the Remnant Beast's attacks on the ground, the slime quickly soaked the ground around it, allowing it to move faster as it squirmed forward. Its huge body gradually began to show unusual mobility, making it difficult for Xia Liang, who had been providing long-range firepower from the air, to hit the target.

If they had been full of magic power, both Lin Xiaolu and Xia Liang could have frivolously expended their magic to speed up and keep up with the beast's movements. But in the current situation, wasteful magic consumption without quick results would only lead to a more unfavorable situation in the battle.

Thus, the two magical girls, who had been fighting individually, had no choice but to start thinking about a cooperative plan.

"Hey, you over there!"

Lin Xiaolu, while dodging the beast's slaps, called out to Xia Liang in the sky, "Do you have enough magic power left?"

"Magic power?"

After releasing another Magic Power Beam that splashed on the beast's head, Xia Liang asked with confusion, "I have some, Xiaolu, do you have any ideas?"

"Don't use such friendly terms; I'm not that close to you!"

Running along the graveyard of claws sunken in the asphalt, Lin Xiaolu also returned to mid-air, "If you have magic power, then I will lure it to reveal a vulnerability, and you take the opportunity to blast it with all your strength."

"You want me to attack?"

Xia Liang blinked and then smiled knowingly, "Ah, you mean you don't have enough magic power to attack?"

"You're so annoying!"

Lin Xiaolu retorted irritably but didn't deny it. Although she didn't like Xia Liang much, she knew that priorities had to be set. She then changed direction and flew towards an area beyond the reach of the beast's slaps.

The melt chamber-type Remnant Beast had strong self-healing abilities, but they weren't invulnerable; their common weak points were in the mouth and belly. Since these beasts usually maintain a prostrate stance, it is difficult to hit their belly, so the most operationally valuable target is the mouth.

And the most direct way to entice it to expose its weakness was to induce it to use the melt chamber to attack.

Once it used the melt chamber, because of the location of the chamber, it necessarily had to raise its head and open its mouth, stopping its movements.

With this strategy in mind, Lin Xiaolu and Xia Liang conserved their magic, reducing the frequency of their attacks, and refrained from wasteful expenditure. They also induced the Remnant Beast to attack more frequently.

This strategy soon took effect. Once the Remnant Beast realized it wasn't being injured much, it attacked more rapidly and became more negligent in its own defense.

Until it completely gave up on defense and, when Lin Xiaolu deliberately exposed a vulnerability, chose to attack with the melt chamber.

Rearing its head, the melt chamber in the Remnant Beast's chest contracted, pumping its bodily fluids mixed with a large amount of magic power towards the spray port beneath its jaw.


Accompanied by a furious roar, several huge liquid bombs were fired from beneath its jaw.

Boom! Boom! Bang!

Near the ground, Lin Xiaolu kept running, flicking the water cannon shots behind her. The misfired bombs hit the surrounding roads and sidewalks, creating giant craters.

She turned her head and called out to Xia Liang in mid-air:

"Now's the time! Blast your Magic Power Beam right into its mouth!"

"Got it! Hmm... but it feels a bit hard to control?"

Xia Liang, who had found a good position, raised her Magic Wand high. The magic power, far exceeding that of an ordinary magical girl, gathered in front of her, forming an extremely unstable orb, "Anyway, let's give it a try."

Seizing the moment the Remnant Beast fired the water cannon, she pressed down on the wand. As the beast had just finished its attack and its mouth was still wide open, she aimed right into it and released the concentrated Magic Power Beam.

The attack from the Jinzhi-colored Magic Power Beam was incredibly fast. It shot toward the Remnant Beast before it could react and then struck heavily against its body.

It was precisely for this reason that the group realized the point of impact was not quite right only when the Mana Cannon hit.

Their original plan was to strike directly into the mouth of the Remnant Beast and then damage its internal tissues, to cause irreversible harm.

However, after hitting, the group realized that this attack, which had drained almost all of Xia Liang's magic power, seemed to have missed the intended target.

"Ah, it seems like I missed?"

Looking at her Magic Wand, Xia Liang smiled embarrassingly.

It was off, yet it wasn't.

This was the judgment made by the Emerald Sparrow who was standing aside.

Because that beam of Magic Power hit near the Remnant Beast's dissolution chamber.

The dissolution chamber of the Remnant Beast had a thick layer of flesh and was constantly secreting mucus for protection, so it wasn't a weak spot.

But the location hit by the beam was unusual. It wasn't the exterior of the Remnant Beast's dissolution chamber, but ultimately the beam hit the ejection port.

The ejection port of the dissolution chamber, being small and hard to hit, was not considered a regular weakness. But in reality, it was one of the frailest parts of its body.

So it died.

The intense Flow of Magical Power backflooded directly from the underside of the Remnant Beast's jaw into the ejection port, emitting a blinding light from the Jinzhi-colored magic, piercing through its body and completely breaching it.

The Remnant Beast didn't even have a chance to respond before the Magic Power Beam destroyed its entire body, instantly taking its life.

Undoubtedly, despite the deviation from the target, the effect it caused was still very crucial.

The Emerald Sparrow standing aside thought so.

Even if there was an accident in the middle, the Remnant Beast was successfully brought down, so a miss could be understandable... right?

Her thoughts suddenly halted.

As the magic power completely penetrated the Remnant Beast's dissolution chamber, she suddenly remembered something:

Usually, the liquids in the dissolution chamber were kept compressed inside through physiological activity and the magic power of the Remnant Beast. So, what would happen if the Remnant Beast died and its dissolution chamber was damaged, losing its physiological function?

Her pupils started to constrict, an expression of disgust almost uncontrollably appeared on her face. The Emerald Sparrow immediately shouted at the two Magical Girls floating in the air:

"Idiots, get out of the way!"

Without pausing, she herself dispersed her magic power and leaped up. Accompanied by a whooshing sound, she retreated tens of meters away almost instantly.

However, the two Magical Girls near the Remnant Beast weren't so lucky.

Xia Liang had just used a large amount of Magic Power to fire the Magic Power Beam and hadn't been able to readjust her rhythm; Lin Xiaolu had been on the move close to the ground and not only didn't grasp what the Emerald Sparrow was saying but also didn't understand the situation at hand.

Therefore, the next moment, the Remnant Beast that Xia Liang had pierced exploded.

It exploded in the literal sense, with the whole body bursting open like a firework.

What followed was the noxious mucus that had been stored and compressed inside its body also spraying into the sky, and then falling from the air like torrential rain.

This mucus by itself didn't have any lethal power; it could only form an effective attack after being compressed and expelled by the Remnant Beast. So even if it landed on humans at this moment, it wouldn't cause harm.

The only problem was that this mucus was a mix of undigested biological tissue and the bodily fluids of the Remnant Beast, which meant it had one characteristic: it really stank.


Under the scorching midday sun, the foul-smelling mucus was splashed onto the two Magical Girls, eliciting a mournful outcry.