Chapter 137 The Blue Emerald Sparrow Under the Cage

Thirty-five years old.

Hong Siyu had spent two years in a daze.

——"What's wrong with you today?"

One day, in the restaurant at night, the man sitting opposite her asked somewhat oddly, "You're not making any sense. Have you been drinking before you came here?"

Not making any sense... It's quite normal, actually.

She smiled bitterly to herself.

Because whenever she tried to reveal the truth, all the organs in her body responsible for producing sound would fail, leaving her unable to utter a single word.

Her body felt as though it was no longer her own, her consciousness alternately alert and dormant. Even when she acted while being alert, her every move was hampered as if controlled by hidden mechanisms.

Information that was forbidden to mention couldn't be spoken aloud, and thoughts that weren't allowed to surface would be subconsciously forgotten. Often, she didn't even know what she was doing.

Was she still human? She couldn't even figure it out anymore.