Chapter 136 The Journey Home_3

For some reason, these gazes made Hong Siyu feel a subtle discomfort.

They seemed not to be the scrutinizing eyes of colleagues, nor the assessing glances exchanged between the opposite sexes, but rather, they seemed to conceal something else, an indistinct malice.

However, she didn't pay too much attention to it and merely quickened her pace to get out of their sight, then shook her head, trying to dispel the unease. From the elevator ascending, to passing through the bustling crowd, she quickly made her way to the director's office. She knocked gently on the door, and after waiting a moment, she heard a voice from inside:

"Come in."

Hong Siyu walked in to see a blonde woman who appeared energetic and competent, yet somewhat aged, sitting in the office, currently nodding with a smile in greeting.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Mosi."

She said quite politely, "Hello, comrade from Tiandu City."