Chapter 29 Rehearsal

October 4, Wednesday.

This year's holiday was a long eight-day stretch due to Mid-Autumn Festival coinciding with National Day, but Zhang Yiyang, Yan Wei, and the students participating in the academy's welcome party for new students had only taken five days off, and they had to continue rehearsals today.

There was no other choice; time was tight, and every second counted.

It was only because of the two play scripts from Lu Zhixing that Zhang Yiyang had managed to secure these five days for a break.

Today, the students participating in the welcome party were already busy getting back to rehearsals, while Zhang Yiyang and Lu Zhixing set aside the rehearsals for musical programs and prepared to focus all their efforts on the language-based programs.

On the acting side, Liu Bo had successfully persuaded Lv Yixiao and Zhao Haoyan, bringing them to the scene.