Chapter 30 Welcome Party Begins

A little over a week flew by in the blink of an eye, and the date for the freshman welcome party was drawing nearer and nearer.

October 13th, Friday.

The students from Game Design Academy had been busy all day in Science Hall, but the real battle was just beginning.

Lu Zhixing, Zhang Yiyang, and others had been busy since the morning adjusting the equipment and organizing the rehearsal for each act, and only now had they finally found the time to sit down and catch their breath.

They had a simple boxed meal backstage and looked at the time—it was already past 6 p.m.

The welcome party was set to officially start at 7 p.m. Many students had already come over to snag seats early, and only about thirty percent of the seats in Science Hall were still vacant, soon to be fully occupied.

Any later, and people would only be able to watch from the aisles or the doorway.