Chapter 74 That's it, Pay up! (5/10)


As soon as these words were spoken, everyone, including Boss Deng Yufeng of the Parkour Climbing Gym, was stunned.

Li Rushan felt his mind was in turmoil, "Wait, Boss Lu, let me get this straight.

"You said before that there's no need to spend too much money on office space, right?"

Lu Zhixing nodded, "Right."

Li Rushan continued, "And did you also say that good steel should be used on the blade's edge, and that whether the office is expensive or not, it doesn't help with making games, so there's no need to waste money needlessly?"

Lu Zhixing kept nodding, "Right."

Li Rushan was somewhat speechless, "Then what is this about! Renting this huge Parkour Climbing Gym must cost more than renting a whole floor of the Hengmao Financial Center! And how does this count as office space in any way?"

Lu Zhixing said earnestly, "It's true that there's no need to spend money on just office space, but what if we combine office space with a location for sourcing game materials?