Chapter 75 Venue Arrangement (6/10)

After the office space was finalized, the operations at Studio 404 began to unfold in an orderly manner.

First was the renovation and cleanup of the space, with all the older equipment replaced with new ones, and redecoration of areas that were too rustic and unattractive. A dedicated office area was also demarcated.

For example, the original parkour climbing gym contained no gaming elements—other than the climbable walls, the only decoration was graffiti related to extreme sports painted on the walls.

The quality of this graffiti was not high to begin with and did not align with Studio 404's gaming theme, so it was decided to overhaul it completely.

Lu Zhixing had a plethora of game materials in his mind and took advantage of the scaffolding from the ongoing renovations to procure various paints and redecorate the interior of the gym.

Lu Zhixing's drawing skills were akin to a human printer, of course, provided he was replicating materials that already existed in his mind.