Chapter 4 The Nine-Headed Hydra


Hydra Death Scales (Level 250, No. 250)

In the Eternal Ancient Era, Mount of Mage God Zelar, it took advantage of its molting period when its mana fluctuations disappeared, transformed into nine small humanoid avatars, and stealthily infiltrated Death God's Temple, stealing the Death God's treasure—Tears of Time. It was personally pursued by the Death God, cast into this prison, and sentenced to life imprisonment!

Level 250! This was the criminal with the foremost number and the most powerful one Huang Yi had ever seen, and the only one who had directly offended the Death God. The Tears of Time must be a treasure that even the Death God valued, otherwise, the Death God would not have personally captured this Hydra Death Scales.

As the Mount of a Mage God, it should have had free rein over the world, but having offended the Death God, it was still captured and sentenced to life imprisonment in the prison, which shows that the Death God must be a supremely domineering deity, not even sparing the face of a Mage God!

Huang Yi looked into the cell and saw a gigantic cell, several dozens of meters high, imprisoning a body as large as a small hill. It was a massive serpent with nine huge heads, its body covered with large scales that emitted a sinister glow in the darkness, a kind of dark beauty that was captivating and melancholic.

Suddenly, Huang Yi sensed something was amiss. The other criminals all had signs of breathing, the rise and fall of their bodies, but this Death Scales remained completely still! Moreover, Huang Yi could faintly sense that although the scales reflected some light, upon closer observation, one could see a thin layer of dust covering them, as if they belonged to a body that had been dead for countless years!

Could this Death Scales be already dead? Huang Yi couldn't help but speculate. Heroes' Prison had existed since the Eternal Ancient Era, with countless years flowing past it. The oldest criminals he had seen before were from the Distant Ancient Era, and only this Death Scales had been captured during the Eternal Ancient Era! Adding it all up, it had been imprisoned for five eras; even the strongest life forms couldn't withstand the passage of such time, and it was highly probable that they had died of old age, which would explain the lack of signs of life.

Huang Yi decided to personally test the truth of the matter.

He squeezed through the door's gap into the cell and approached the small-hill-like body of Death Scales, reaching out a hand to touch it.

The next moment, Death Scales had no reaction. It appeared to be truly dead.

Huang Yi felt around on Death Scales' body, and after a while, his fingers suddenly felt something unusual, stopping over a scale. The scale was about the size of a palmetto fan, inconspicuous among the tens of thousands on Death Scales' body, but it was noticeably loose. Huang Yi grabbed it and pulled hard!

"Crack!" It sounded like the grinding of metal plates as the scale was forcefully pulled out!

Huang Yi wiped the dust off the scale, and it immediately shone resplendently, its color gleaming and texture extremely tough, revealing its extraordinary nature. He stored the scale in his storage ring; being the material from a Level Over Two Hundred BOSS, it should be a treasure.

Afterward, Huang Yi continued searching Death Scales' body, but he found no more loose scales.

He left the cell and moved forward. However, he didn't find any more corpses, as all the way there were living criminals.

After passing several crossroads, Huang Yi suddenly stopped, no longer aimlessly moving forward.

He always felt that something was missing in this prison.

The prison was too somber, with all the imprisoned criminals he had seen along the way, but not a single patrolling jailer. A prison surely had jailers, just like Rose Prison, otherwise, it would fall into chaos.

Huang Yi's mission was to kill one of the prisoners, and if there were jailers, he could ask them for help, which would give direction to his mission. But this prison was like a maze, and searching for a jailer was like searching for a needle in a haystack!


Huang Yi decided to check the situation at the Respawn Point. The place was like a labyrinth, too vast to find the Respawn Point without wasting a lot of time, so the quickest way was to die once.

He turned his head to look at a cell nearby, where a giant orc of fifty to sixty meters tall was held captive; it was sleeping, with its mountain-sized body rising and falling rhythmically, seemingly unaware of Huang Yi's presence.

Huang Yi picked up an iron rod from the ground, squeezed through the gap in the door, approached the orc, and swung the rod directly at its belly.

"Clang!" The iron rod struck the orc's belly, resulting in a sound like metal colliding with stone. The orc's belly appeared soft, but it was actually as tough as iron, impervious to sword and spear, causing not a scratch—it was like tickling it.

However, this tickle finally elicited a reaction from the orc; it turned over like it had been bitten by a flea, continuing to sleep peacefully on its vast side.

But this turn of the orc's massive body happened to press down on Huang Yi, crushing him to death on the spot.

Huang Yi's vision darkened, followed by two prompts.

[System Prompt]: Congratulations, you have obtained the [Achievement]—"First Death." Achievement Points +1. [First Death]: The first time you die.

[System Prompt]: You have been killed by a Purgatory Orc. Would you like to choose to resurrect?

Tip: If you die before reaching Level Ten, you can only respawn at the camp, and you will lose one level; after reaching Level Ten, besides respawning at the camp, there is also a certain chance of being forced into reincarnation—respawning at a random location in The Second World, with the level dropping to Level 1 and recovering one level per day until reaching the original level.

In the darkness, Huang Yi received the two system prompts and even gained an Achievement, although this one wasn't challenging and was attainable by anyone, far from comparable to the Unique Achievement announced earlier for Dao Feng.

The next moment, Huang Yi chose to resurrect.

The darkness faded, and light reappeared before Huang Yi's eyes. This time, he found himself in a golden stone chamber gleaming with golden light. The chamber, the size of a soccer field, had walls constructed entirely of golden-yellow stones, making the whole room radiate a sacred golden glow, like a holy temple, starkly contrasting the gloom of Heroes' Prison.

Huang Yi looked around for a while but didn't find anything particular. The place was empty, seemingly just an ordinary respawn point.

There was a door on the right side of the stone chamber. Huang Yi walked over, and with a gentle push, he began to open it, but as soon as he did, he stopped in his tracks, cautiously eyeing the outside.

Outside the door stood five people, clothed in black robes, with only their faces showing.

The most distinctive feature was their eyeballs, which were a luminous green, emitting a faint green glow.

The one leading was a man with a long face, slender eyes, and a sickly pale complexion as if he were seriously ill.

"Excuse me, are you a Heaven-Sent Man?" the leading man with the long face then spoke, his green eyes curiously fixed on Huang Yi.