Chapter 5 Criminal No. 11

"Heaven-Sent Man?" Huang Yi heard this term, thought for a moment, and realized it literally meant someone who came down from the heavens, which probably referred to players. He nodded slightly, "Right, I am a Heaven-Sent Man, my name is Instakill."

"Phew!" The faces of the five people relaxed, and the long-faced man at the forefront let out a sigh of relief, bowed slightly, and said, "Respected Mr. Instakill, I am Laus, the Prison Warden of the Heroes' Prison, and these four are my subordinates. We will assist you in completing your quest."

These five people were undoubtedly NPCs. Huang Yi had finally found a clue and immediately asked, "How many inmates are in this prison?"

"In the Heroes' Prison, there are a total of 16,532 prison cells, but many criminals have died. Currently, there are just over 5,000 inmates still alive!" Laus replied respectfully.

"How weak is the weakest inmate here? Can I kill him?"

"Sorry, you can't!" Laus shook his head decisively, "In the Heroes' Prison, even the weakest inmate has reached the Holy Domain Rank. With your current strength, you have absolutely no way of killing them."

"Then what kind of help will you give me? Can you take action?"

Laus still shook his head, "Sorry, we can only cooperate with you to complete the quest but cannot directly help you complete it. At most, we can provide some basic guidance."

"I see." Huang Yi nodded, "Then in the Heroes' Prison, aside from you five, how many other guards are there?"

"In the entire Heroes' Prison, there are only us five guards!"

"Huh? How can just five of you manage over five thousand inmates?"

"The Heroes' Prison itself is already sufficiently secure, possessing the abilities of Seal Magic and Silence. These inmates are confined here and absolutely cannot escape unless they dispel all their mana. The five of us are enough to manage."

Next, Huang Yi asked many more questions, and Laus answered all of them for him.

From the Era of the Ancient Gods to the present, countless years have passed, and the Heroes' Prison has detained batch after batch of powerful beings. They are eternally sealed here until they die of old age. Currently, every inmate in Heroes' Prison who has survived is an extremely powerful being. If any one of them were to escape, they could cause entire worlds to suffer and living beings to be in torment. For Huang Yi to kill such a defiance of nature was absolutely impossible with his current strength.

It seemed that the key to this quest still needed to be carefully discovered. Once the crux was known, completing the quest would be a matter of course.

Huang Yi glanced at them, "You all come with me for a walk around this prison."

With that, Huang Yi moved forward, strolling around the prison, with Laus and several guards following closely behind.

The group aimlessly wandered through the prison, with huge prison cells on both sides confining boss-level criminals, who looked at them with cold eyes.

As he walked, Huang Yi pondered over the quest. He had great patience and could spend a long time contemplating a problem, analyzing it meticulously until he completely understood it.

After a long walk, Huang Yi still hadn't stopped, but Laus and his men were getting tired. If Huang Yi didn't complete the quest, they couldn't rest, which meant, in a sense, they were bound to this quest.

"Respected Mr. Instakill," Laus started to speak but hesitated, as if he was holding something back.

"What is it?" Huang Yi stopped his train of thought and turned to look at him.

Laus hesitated for a moment, bit his lip, and said, "You don't need to wander aimlessly like this. Actually, the quest is quite simple, if only..." He stopped speaking there.

"If only what?" Huang Yi pressed, judging from Laus' expression, a clue was about to surface!

Laus pursed his lips, seemingly choosing his words carefully, and after a while, he finally said, "With your own strength, it's completely impossible to kill these inmates, you're too weak, unless you can find a very powerful ally."

"Ally?" Huang Yi furrowed his brow, "There are others in this Heroes' Prison?"

"You could say that, in fact, this prison doesn't just contain us, there are many... very powerful entities..." As Laus said this, his gaze inadvertently glanced at a nearby prison cell.

Following his gaze, Huang Yi saw a boss in a cell and suddenly understood Laus' implication, he pointed to the cell and said, "You mean these inmates?"

"I didn't say that, you guessed it yourself!" Laus immediately shook his head, but his relaxed expression seemed to affirm Huang Yi's assumption, though he verbally did not agree.

Huang Yi discerned his expression and immediately understood; Laus had mentioned earlier that he could not directly help, so he had to nudge Huang Yi toward guessing this indirectly – it was like skirting the edge of the rules.

"Release a few inmates, let them fight each other, and then I can reap the benefits while they're distracted, is that it?" Huang Yi looked at Laus with a bit of confusion; the method seemed too simple and didn't seem to align with the difficulty level a rare quest would typically present.

"Yes! You've finally guessed it!" Laus nodded at once, "Though these inmates are very powerful, and even if they fight among themselves it would be hard to truly kill each other, chances are they might escape. Unless we release a criminal whose strength is exceptional!"

Hearing this, Huang Yi immediately thought of Hydra Death Scales, the strongest criminal he knew of, who was at level 250 and had once been the Magic God's mount. Such strength would undoubtedly be sufficient to kill other inmates around level 100. However, such supremely strong inmates were rare, and the only one he knew of was Hydra Death Scales, but it was already dead.

"Mr. Instakill must know that in this Heroes' Prison, the more powerful the criminal, the closer their number is to the front, especially those numbered within the top 100. They are the most powerful beings in the world; any one of them could easily help you complete your quest." Laus continued, then, looking at Huang Yi with a change of tone, he added, "But they are too powerful and can only be detained in Sealed Prison Cells, completely sealed. Those cells have no gaps, cannot be examined, and even I, as the prison warden, do not know whether they are dead or alive to this day!" Pausing, Laus swallowed and continued, "The only one I know of is the inmate numbered 11... he's still alive!"

"Number 11? What's in there?" Huang Yi's interest piqued. That number was already very high in ranking, making it one of the ultimate bosses in the entire Heroes' Prison. What exactly was confined inside?