Chapter 6: The Flying Key

Laus shook his head, "That's a Sealed Prison Cell. I don't know what's inside. It was already there before I arrived."

"You mean to let it help me complete my task?" Huang Yi asked.

Laus nodded, "Yes, with its help, you will definitely be able to complete your task."

Huang Yi pondered. This indeed seemed like a method, but it was somehow too simple. If it were that easy, then the Rare Class task would have no difficulty, which made no sense.

Huang Yi guessed that this method was probably only easy in theory. The implementation would likely be very difficult, and there would surely be a stumbling block.

As he thought about this, he glanced over at a cell nearby. Suddenly, his gaze stopped on the bolt of the cell door.

There was a lock!

Yes, a lock!

To release the criminal inside the cell, Huang Yi needed to open the door, but he didn't have the key! He guessed that the key was probably the crux of the task!

"Laus, do you have the keys to the prison?" Huang Yi immediately asked Laus.

As expected, Laus shook his head, "I don't have the keys to the prison. You need to get them yourself."

"Where are the keys?" Huang Yi stared at Laus; if his guess was right, this would be the difficulty of the task.

"In the Stone Chamber where you were resurrected," Laus pointed in the direction they came from.

At the end of that path was a Stone Chamber bathed in a golden light, the very place where Huang Yi had been resurrected.

Huang Yi immediately walked over, with Laus and four jailers closely following.

When they arrived at the entrance of the Stone Chamber, Huang Yi walked in, but Laus and the four jailers stopped outside.

Huang Yi turned back and beckoned to them, "Come in!"

Laus smiled wryly and shook his head, "That's only accessible to Heaven-Sent individuals like you. We cannot enter."

"Then tell me where the key is." Huang Yi looked at the vast golden chamber, about the size of a soccer field; finding a small key in here would be incredibly difficult.

"It's in the northeast corner of the chamber, in a nook. There are over ten thousand keys there. You have to be fast and grab the key to Cell 11. Remember, it's number 11!" Laus specifically reminded him.

Huang Yi nodded, figured out the direction, and immediately headed toward the northeast corner of the chamber.

Soon, Huang Yi arrived at the northeast corner. As expected, there lay a dense sea of golden keys that looked identical to each other, the only difference being the numbers engraved on them. However, the numbers were so small that they were hard to read. Deciding to take a closer look, he moved in for a better view.

Just then, Huang Yi's foot slipped as if he had stepped on something. He instinctively looked down at his feet.

On the ground were several green beads next to some black powder.

Huang Yi squatted down to pick up the beads. There were eight in total, clear and translucent, emitting a green glow throughout, incredibly beautiful, like exquisitely crafted gemstones!


Huang Yi carefully examined the eight beads in his hand, but did not receive any system information; they seemed like ordinary items. Generally, if an item is of value, there would be system information upon examination. If there's no system information, the item is most likely mundane and of no significant value.

However, these eight green beads looked so extraordinary that Huang Yi still placed them into his storage ring. As for the pile of black powder, he ignored it, as it did not seem like a treasure.

Next, Huang Yi continued walking towards the pile of keys.

"Whoosh!" Just as Huang Yi approached within 5 meters of the keys, what seemed like tens of thousands of keys came to life and rose into the air, spinning rapidly in the stone chamber without stopping!

The entire stone chamber became a hive of activity! Those dense keys buzzed like bees, zipping back and forth at great speed, like streaks of golden light.

Huang Yi looked up at the flying keys, realizing that to catch a darting key in such a large space was virtually impossible. The keys moved faster than the eye could follow, let alone grasp with hands. What made it even more difficult was that out of more than ten thousand keys, he needed to seize number 11.

"Whoosh!" At that moment, a key zipped past his eyes and Huang Yi instinctively reached out to grab it, but caught nothing. In the blink of an eye, the key had flown far away.

Huang Yi took a few more steps forward, trying to catch the keys whirling in the air but no matter how he grabbed, he couldn't catch one! The keys were too fast!

Since childhood, Huang Yi had been rigorously trained and possessed agility far beyond that of ordinary people, but even in such circumstances, he felt powerless; this was well beyond the speed limits humans could reach.

After trying for a long time, Huang Yi still hadn't caught a single key, so he couldn't help but walk out of the stone chamber.

"How did it go, Mr. Instakill, did you get the number 11 key?" Laus saw Huang Yi come out, stepped forward eagerly, and asked with anticipation.

Huang Yi shook his head, "I didn't catch it. The keys fly too fast; I have to think of another way."

"Ah!" Laus sighed, his face showing a trace of disappointment but still trying to encourage, "This task is indeed too difficult for your current level, but please don't lose heart and keep trying! If you can't get number 11, try for the number 250 key!"

"Number 250? You mean Hydra Death Scales?" Huang Yi asked in return, "Isn't it dead already?"

"Ah? You've seen number 250 already?" Laus suddenly looked startled, seemingly surprised. Then, shaking his head, he said, "That Hydra isn't dead! It has just shed its skin and is in a state of weakness, so it seems dead. It's at level 250 and definitely could help you with the task!"

"Alright!" Huang Yi stroked his chin, saying, "But even for key number 250, I still can't get it. Can you provide any tools to assist?"

"Sorry! There are no tools to assist! You can only rely on your own abilities," Laus responded, shaking his head apologetically.

Huang Yi fell into deep thought, knowing that relying on his current capabilities, he definitely couldn't get the keys; this wasn't something effort alone could change. Some things, once they exceed human limits, require tools for assistance. Like how people can't fly directly into the sky without the aid of tools, the same applies to getting the keys. Without tools, Huang Yi couldn't possibly get the keys, at least not at his current level.

"Then I'll try again!" said Huang Yi, as he re-entered the golden stone chamber.

Huang Yi focused on the keys fluttering all over the sky and suddenly remembered the scale he had plucked from Hydra Death Scales. The scale was as big as a fan, and it seemed like a good method to swat the keys in the air.

Huang Yi immediately took out the scale from his storage ring with the intention to strike at the flying keys.

However, as soon as he took it out, the scale turned into a wisp of black ash at a speed visible to the naked eye and scattered in the air!

It seemed that no auxiliary tools were allowed for this task.

The task had reached another deadlock.

Huang Yi gave up the attempt and quietly sat down on the floor of the stone chamber, reflecting on the entire process of his mission. From the first second he entered Heroes' Prison, he reviewed everything meticulously, not overlooking a single detail...
