Cp10 "the nightmare"

I bolted upright, my heart hammering in my chest, as a sudden brightness assaulted my eyes. I tried to blink, my vision blurry and disoriented. I quickly realized I was lying on a bed, but why was I tied down? And where the hell was I?

I struggled against the bonds holding me, panic setting in as I tried to make sense of the situation.

As my vision slowly began to clear, I could make out the figures of several people standing around me, but their faces were still blurred and indistinct. I tried to listen to their words, but it was as if I'd suddenly lost my hearing. Everything sounded muffled and distant, like they were speaking through a thick wall of cotton.

I tried to speak, to ask where I was and what was happening, but my voice came out as a hoarse croak, useless against the strange deafness enveloping me.

The figures around me moved, their shapes moving towards the exit. I watched helplessly as they disappeared, leaving me alone in the dimly lit room.

With their departure, the light went out, plunging me into darkness. The silence pressed down on me, heavy and suffocating. I tried to call out, but my voice echoed only in my own mind.

I twisted and turned, frantically trying to loosen the bonds that held me. Fear and panic clawed at my chest, the helplessness of my situation sending shockwaves through me.

Suddenly, I jolted awake, my heart pounding so hard it felt like it was trying to break free from my ribcage. I sat up, my breath coming in ragged gasps.

As I slowly regained my bearings, I realized I was back in Thodin's hut, the familiar surroundings coming into clearer focus.

The remnants of the nightmare clung to me, the fear and helplessness still lingering in my mind. I rubbed my face with trembling hands, trying to shake off the remnants of the horrific dream.

"Just a dream," I muttered to myself, my voice sounding shaky even to my own ears. "Just a damn dream."

A moment later, Thodin entered the room, rubbing his eyes sleepily. "Ah, you're awake," he said, his voice tinged with a hint of curiosity. "Did you have a nice rest?"

I nodded, still trying to recover from the effects of my nightmare. "I've had better," I muttered

Thodin seemed to notice my tension and gave me a puzzled look. "You look like you've seen a ghost," he observed.

I took a deep breath and pushed myself to my feet, the nightmare slowly receding into the back of my mind. "Just a bad dream," I repeated, more for my own reassurance than anything else. "I'm fine, don't worry about it."

Thodin chuckled as I got up, his demeanor carefree and humorous. "You were sleeping so peacefully," he teased, a twinkle in his eye. "Were you not afraid that I might slit your throat while you were resting?"

With a wry smile, I quipped back, "You should worry about yourself more. You were drunk and passed out before me. Your defenses were totally relaxed."

I chuckled as the memory of seeing him lying there, fast asleep and surrounded by empty bottles, came to mind. "Besides, you don't seem like the type who plays tricks," I added. "And you certainly don't look weak."

Thodin let out a hearty laugh, his expression filled with amusement. "You've got a point there," he agreed. 

He then added with a sly grin, "And speaking of interesting things, it seems like you're adjusting to those eyes of yours. Seeing anything interesting?"

Thodin's grin widened as he continued, "Looks like those eyes of yours aren't just for show. You seem to know that I'm no pushover, eh?"

He chuckled, his tone amused and impressed at the same time.

I thought about it for a moment, my gaze flicking over the dwarf's body. It was true, I could see things that I had never noticed before, down to the smallest details. The veins on Thodin's arms and face seemed to stand out in sharp relief, and there was indeed something strange about them.

The veins seemed to be carrying something flowing through them, a Platinum, translucent fluid that was definitely not blood.

I looked at Thodin, taking in his small stature and cheerful demeanor. His physical appearance gave the impression that he was approachable and unthreatening. Yet, I could sense something more behind that facade. There was something powerful within his small frame, something connected to the strange fluid that coursed through his veins.

"You're not easy," I said, my gaze steady on him. "There's more to you than meets the eye. I can feel that power inside you, hidden behind that small body."

Thodin chuckled at my observation, his eyes glinting with a mixture of amusement and curiosity. "Not many people see past this little exterior," he admitted, gesturing to himself.

He paused for a moment, studying me, his gaze shrewd. "You're more observant than I gave you credit for," he conceded. "You've got a good eye, human. Literally."

I chuckled at his comment, appreciating his humor. "Well, these eyes of mine are rather useful," I joked in response.

I then grew more serious and asked, "But seriously, what is that fluid that's running through your veins? It's definitely not blood."

Thodin lifted his hand, a casual gesture as he mused over my question. "Hmm, that's a good question," he replied, "Could be anything, really. Everyone has their own strength here."

He paused for a moment, then continued, a hint of excitement in his voice, "But if you really want to know, the best way is to try it out. Practice makes perfect, as they say."

I nodded, accepting his point. Still, I couldn't shake off my curiosity. "And how do I practice it, exactly?" I asked, my eyes studying him intently.

Thodin shrugged, a sly smile playing on his lips. "Ah, that's the fun part," he said. "Each person's power comes out differently. You'll have to discover it on your own."

I grumbled at his vague response. It seemed like I wouldn't get a straight answer out of him. "Very helpful, thanks," I muttered sarcastically.

Thodin just chuckled, clearly enjoying my irritation. "What did you expect? A step-by-step tutorial?" he teased.

Thodin laughed heartily at my annoyed expression. "Oh, cheer up," he said, slapping me playfully on the back. "It's all part of the adventure. You'll figure it out."

His playful demeanor only served to rile me further. "Easy for you to say," I retorted.

Frustrated by the dwarf's teasing, I decided to change the subject. I gestured at my own bearded face and asked, "Do you have any scissors? My face needs a shave. I'm starting to look like a tramp."

Thodin let out a boisterous laugh at my question. "Ah, but it is a shame that you want to cut your beard," he chuckled. "In dwarf culture, a beard is a symbol of strength and wisdom. Many a dwarf lass has been swooned by a well-groomed beard."

He looked me up and down, a glint in his eye. "I bet you've had your share of admirers, eh?"

I raised an eyebrow in amusement at Thodin's comment. "Well, I'm not a dwarf, and this beard of mine causes too much discomfort when I sleep," I countered. "Besides, I prefer a lighter and cleaner look. So, if you have scissors, I'd appreciate it if you could lend them to me."

Thodin chuckled heartily at my request, clearly finding amusement in the situation. "Ah, the woes of a bearded mortal," he teased. "Fret not, I shall satisfy your request."

He rummaged around in a small drawer and pulled out a pair of scissors. "Here you go, human. Be sure to make it quick and not butcher yourself in the process."

I accepted the scissors from Thodin and chuckled at his last remark. "No need to worry, I won't turn myself into a bleeding mess," I assured him.

I then began the task of trimming my beard, focusing on maintaining a neat and clean appearance while avoiding any accidents. Thodin watched me for a moment, clearly entertained by my efforts.

I diligently worked on my beard, carefully trimming it until it became much thinner. It was a bit challenging since I didn't want it too thick, yet wanted just enough facial hair to maintain a mature look.

As for my head hair, I decided to leave it long as it was, but gave it a good trim and tied it back. After a few moments, I looked up at Thodin, presenting the result of my efforts.

Thodin examined my new look with a critical eye, then nodded in approval. "Well, well, you've changed your appearance quite a bit," he observed. "I must admit, you look a little better, even though I do prefer the longer beard."

He paused and then added, "But I'll respect your taste. Now that we've finished with this, let's get down to business. There are serious matters to discuss."
