Cp11 "plans"

Thodin listened intently as I outlined my plans, his expression serious as he took in the information. When I finished speaking, he nodded thoughtfully.

"Seems you've given this some thought," he remarked, his tone appreciative. "Your plan sounds reasonable enough. However..."

He paused, his gaze locking with mine. "There's one thing you're not taking into account."

"You're forgetting about the dangers that lie ahead," Thodin explained, his tone grave. "Sure, you may have a plan, but there are many unknown dangers and obstacles that lie in wait on your path."

He leaned forward, his gaze intense. "Have you considered this, human?"

I sighed deeply, acknowledging the reality of Thodin's words. He was right, there were dangers ahead, but I was determined to press on.

"I know there are dangers," I admitted, my voice steady. "But I have to keep moving forward. I can't let fear hold me back."

Thodin chuckled approvingly, a hint of respect in his eyes. "You've got a solid mind, I'll give you that," he said, his tone almost admiring.

He then leaned back, a playful smirk on his lips. "And since you've made up your mind, I suppose I can lend you a hand. After all, I find your determination endearing."

I looked at Thodin, my expression solemn. "Help me," I simply said, my gaze steady.

Thodin chuckled and replied, "Ah yes, I noticed how you carry that knife of yours. Quite unique, I must say."

I thought back to when I bought the knife, recalling how I'd found it in a shop selling secondhand items. It was made of Damascus steel, a unique material that had caught my eye.

Now, looking at my knife closely, I realized something strange. The steel seemed to have the same vein-like pattern as Thodin, but without the energy flowing through it.

I looked at Thodin, puzzled by his response. "Can't you see what I'm seeing?" I asked.

Thodin shook his head, his expression thoughtful. "I'm a blacksmith," he said. "I can sense that the steel is special, but I can't see the veins like you do. That's not within my ability."

I nodded in understanding, believing in Thodin's abilities as a blacksmith. I handed him the knife and said, "Here, take a look at this. I trust you to make it stronger, to make use of its unique properties."

Thodin nodded, accepting the knife as he studied it closely. "I'll do you a favor," he said, a sly smile on his lips. "I'll make it stronger. And consider yourself in my debt, human. You wouldn't get this kind of treatment just anywhere. I used to be quite a famed blacksmith, you know."

I chuckled at his comment, appreciating his self-assuredness. "Alright, Mr. Famed Blacksmith. I'll be sure to remember this favor."

I then gestured to the knife. "But can you really work your magic on this? Make it stronger?"

Thodin smirked at my question and replied, "If you want to see my craftsmanship, you're welcome to watch."

He then led me to another place, an open stone floor without any walls. In the middle, there was only an anvil and a pool of water.

Thodin walked up to the anvil and gestured for me to follow. "This is where the magic happens," he said, a glint in his eye. "Watch carefully."

I looked around, curious about the lack of tools in the area. "Where are the hammers and other blacksmith tools?" I asked, puzzled.

Thodin chuckled at my question, his expression amused. "Ah, those are for beginners," he said, a hint of disdain in his voice. "I don't need those little trinkets. Just give me an anvil and some water, and I can work wonders."

Thodin signaled for me to stand back, a serious expression on his face. "Stay back and watch," he commanded.

I obeyed, stepping away from the anvil and watching as Thodin retrieved a jar containing a mysterious liquid. He placed the knife on the anvil and stepped back.

What happened next took me by surprise. Thodin drank the contents of the jar and, with a loud gasp, spat a burst of fire onto the knife. Sparks and flames flickered on the blade, briefly illuminating the anvil and the surrounding area.

My eyes widened in shock as I watched Thodin raise his hand and bring it forcefully down onto the flaming knife. I expected him to recoil in pain, but he merely clenched his teeth, showing no signs of discomfort.

The collision between his hand and the heated blade sent sparks flying, but Thodin remained unfazed. His gaze was fixed on the knife, his expression focused and intense.

The scene was surreal, like witnessing a creature straight from the fiery depths of hell. It was as if a being made entirely of fire had escaped from the inferno, its body consumed by scorching flames. With each breath, the demon-like figure exhaled a burst of fire, enveloping the scorching hot iron in an inferno.

Thodin remained undeterred, his hand delivering powerful blows against the blazing knife, unafraid of the searing heat. The sparks and flames danced wildly around him, bathing him in a fiery aura.

Thodin continued his work, sweat pouring down his face as he manipulated the knife with precision and finesse. He cooled the blade in the water, causing steam to rise in wisps of vapor. As the knife cooled, I noticed that it had grown longer and more robust, now resembling a small cleaver.

Thodin picked up the newly formed weapon, examining it closely. "Behold, the fruit of my labor," he muttered, a satisfied smile on his face.

I stared at the newly forged cleaver, impressed by Thodin's craftsmanship. The steel blade seemed shinier and stronger than before, and the veins within the metal gleamed with an otherworldly energy.

Thodin held the weapon up, admiring it in the light. "Impressive, isn't it?" he said, a hint of pride in his voice. "It's got some extra heft now, and it's twice as sharp as before."

I picked up the cleaver, feeling its weight in my hand. It was heavier than I expected, but oddly, the extra weight didn't bother me. Instead, I found it made me feel more solid and prepared.

I looked at the veins along the blade, now brimming with energy. They pulsed softly with an unearthly light, the energy within them almost palpable.

"It's certainly much sharper," I commented. "And these veins... they're like they're charged with something."

Thodin chuckled at my remark, a smirk on his face. "Of course it's sharper, human," he said, a hint of pride in his voice. "I'm a renowned blacksmith, after all."

He paused for a moment, studying the weapon in my hands. "I told you I'd make it stronger," he added, his tone victorious.

Thodin nodded, thinking for a moment. Then he looked at me with a questioning expression. "You should give it a name, human," he said.

I stared at the blade, contemplating. Then, a name popped into my mind, a name that seemed fitting for the weapon. "Sator," I said aloud, my voice firm.

Thodin raised an eyebrow at the name, clearly surprised and a bit puzzled. "...Sator?" he repeated, a hint of amusement in his tone.

I sheathed the newly forged cleaver into my belt, securing it firmly in place. The weight of Sator felt comfortable on my hip, like an extension of myself. I turned to Thodin, my expression determined.

"I'm ready now, with this weapon by my side," I said, a newfound sense of confidence in my voice.

Thodin nodded, approving of my readiness. "Good," he said, a hint of respect in his eyes. "Let's get moving. Follow me."

We approached the lake once more, and Thodin retrieved his horn. He held it up, then blew into it, producing a deep, resonant sound. As the sound echoed through the air, the water in front of us parted, creating a path through the lake.

Thodin pointed to the hole in the middle of the lake, his gaze steady. "You'll have to go on your own from here," he said.

I took a deep breath and stepped towards the water's edge I turned back to Thodin, my mind set.

"If fate allows it, I'll return," I said, my voice unwavering. "Wish me luck, Thodin."

Thodin nodded earnestly, his expression serious. "Don't die, human. You have more work to do."

I stood before the gaping hole in the middle of the water, my heart pounding with both fear and determination. I took a deep breath, mentally preparing myself for what lay ahead.

Then, with a final moment of hesitation, I took the leap. I lunged forward, propelled by my own will, and plummeted into the dark abyss before me.
