Chapter 10: One Hundred Facts About Gu Tang

"Help me—!"

A technician shouted urgently.

At his feet lay an unconscious injured person on a stretcher.

"What happened?" Gu Tang rushed over.

"Mr. Gu Tang! My friend is in critical condition, his heartbeat is weak, and the medical staff are overwhelmed..." The technician tried to suppress his grief as he quickly explained the situation to Gu Tang.

Gu Tang waved his hand dismissively. "No worries, I can handle it."

"Thank you so much, Mr. Gu Tang!" The technician said gratefully, handing over a first aid kit. "This is all the medical supplies I have."

"That's more than enough. Just watch closely." Gu Tang moved to the injured person's side, opened the first aid kit, and began administering aid.

Inside the first aid kit was a first aid manual.

Of course, Gu Tang had no use for such a thing. The technician took it out and began flipping through it, planning to compare Gu Tang's actions with the manual to learn some first aid skills.

Step One: Lightly tap the patient and ask if they are conscious.

He looked up and saw Gu Tang vigorously kicking the patient's left side.

Step Two: Ensure the patient's airway is clear; you may unbutton their shirt to observe chest movement.

He looked again and saw Gu Tang now vigorously kicking the patient's right side.

Step Three: Lightly press the patient's pulse points to check for arterial pulse.

Gu Tang was crushing the medicine and sprinkling it on the patient, as if seasoning him with pepper.

Step Four: Keep the patient in a supine position, hands stacked, pressing vertically on the chest.

Gu Tang was using strong, commanding words to order the patient to wake up.

"Haa! Cough! Cough!"

The patient suddenly gasped for air, eyes wide open, and sat up, breathing heavily.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead. "Phew... I dreamt that Ms. Herta was hammering me repeatedly."

The technician beside him threw the first aid manual into a nearby trash bin and rolled his eyes at the patient. "Save those dreams for when you're back in your room. You should thank Mr. Gu Tang. He saved you."

"Really? Thank you so much!" The patient expressed his gratitude to Gu Tang.

"No problem, it was nothing. Make sure to see a doctor later. I'll be off now." Gu Tang nodded and left the area.

He had successfully saved a critically injured patient.

After all... unconscious people are just props.

Then, Gu Tang continued to assist other technicians.

A young man stood in a corner of the compartment, pale and trembling.

"I need to leave, I need to escape, I need to get out of here..." The young man was nearly breaking down, muttering to himself. "No, I can't escape. I might get away today, but not tomorrow..."

Gu Tang walked over. "What's wrong with you?"

"Mr. Gu Tang... The terminal has recorded 142,856 attacks, and the next number will be 142,857!" The young man looked at Gu Tang with a dazed expression. "I firmly believe that when I see this dreadful yet beautiful number, my life will reach its end..."

"You seem terrified. Let me help you." Gu Tang said, and then punched him in the face.


The young man fell straight to the ground.

"Now you're not scared anymore, right?"

Gu Tang walked away.

"Why did the ion net get breached by monsters during my watch..." A male technician fretted, holding his head. "It wasn't my fault; I couldn't have made such a mistake... I need to go check the data again!"

"You're brave to want to go out there." Gu Tang said as he walked over.

"I know it's dangerous outside, Mr. Gu Tang." The male technician's face was filled with confusion and fatigue. "The first layer of the station's defense is the anti-gravity ion net. I'm the technician in charge of maintaining it. How can I stay here peacefully with this happening? So please don't stop me..."


Gu Tang's punch sent him into a baby-like slumber.

"Lower the lever, Alfred..." An older female technician said as she turned around.

She saw the expressionless face of Gu Tang.

"Oh, sorry, Mr. Gu Tang. I didn't know it was you." The female technician gave an apologetic smile.

"What are you busy with? Let me help." Gu Tang looked at the control panel behind her and said.

"That's very kind of you, Mr. Gu Tang. We're doing pre-tests for satellite remote sensing. I'll hold the monitoring signal button, and you follow the steps I tell you..." The female technician tried to teach Gu Tang the correct procedure.

But Gu Tang kicked the control panel.


A loud noise echoed.

The screen on the control panel flashed with some gibberish. Once the gibberish ended, all the parameters were correct.

"Hmm, done." Gu Tang nodded.

While Gu Tang was helping the technicians, Xing and March 7th were also gathering a lot of information about Gu Tang.

For instance, Gu Tang had a fan club with many enthusiastic fans who paid high prices for anything Gu Tang had used.

Also, Gu Tang was brought to the space station by Ms. Herta a few years ago and was immediately appointed as a special-grade researcher. This caused quite a bit of dissatisfaction among the technicians at the time, including Station Manager Asta.

Gu Tang almost had a new invention every day, and it took the space station years to analyze just one of them.

Gu Tang once took a box of unassembled washing machines from Asta and assembled a powerful mech just using the parts from that box.

Gu Tang never jumps high; he just makes the planet move lower.

Gu Tang once learned all the knowledge in the universe in one second.

Gu Tang has one-eighth Star God blood. This has nothing to do with his ancestors—he just swallowed a Star God whole.

There is actually no theory of evolution, only a list of creatures Gu Tang allows to live.

Some people are left-handed, but Gu Tang, each of his hands is more dominant than the other.

Gu Tang never needs to write his name because the first words everyone says when they're born are "Mr. Gu Tang."

"Stop! The latter part is clearly nonsense!" March 7th interrupted the endless stream of information.

Standing in front of March 7th and Xing was a shrewd-looking female technician with glasses.

The glasses-wearing woman scratched her head apologetically. "Oh... actually, those last ones are rumors made up by Gu Tang's fanatical followers."

"Tell us some real information." March 7th said helplessly.

Xing, however, was intrigued. "You know, it's kind of interesting."

"Hehehe... Although those were rumors, there's one legend that's true." The glasses-wearing woman raised a finger and said seriously, "Mr. Gu Tang once rejected a Star God."

"Rejected... a Star God?" March 7th looked surprised.

The glasses-wearing woman nodded. "Mr. Gu Tang, like Ms. Herta, successfully met the Erudition Lord. But Mr. Gu Tang refused to become a Gnostic Emissary and therefore did not join the Genius Society."

"Why did he refuse?" Xing asked, puzzled.

"Perhaps he believes the Erudition Lord isn't following the correct path of knowledge. Such courage and bravery are truly admirable..." The glasses-wearing woman's voice was filled with reverence for Gu Tang.

Just as March 7th and Xing wanted to ask more questions.

Beep—! Beep—! Beep—!

A shrill alarm sounded, and the entire space station began to shake.

The two of them exchanged a glance and quickly ran toward Asta, where Himeko and Dan Heng were also present.

"Station Manager Asta! What's happening!" March 7th shouted as she ran over.

"This is..." Asta's pupils dilated.

On the giant projection screen in front of her, a huge, sinister claw could be seen striking the space station's protective shield.