Chapter 98: Let’s Start a Little Game with Silver Wolf

"Because of 400 power stones i have release one more extra chapter with regular chapters" Back to the story

"Hmph..." Gu Tang rubbed his chin, contemplating how to complete the task.

Come to think of it, would it work if I used an offline Black Tower puppet? If it does, things would be much easier.

With that thought, Gu Tang decisively headed towards the Black Tower's office.

Entering the office, the Black Tower was engrossed in several virtual screens.

"What do you want?" Black Tower asked coldly, without even turning around upon hearing Gu Tang's footsteps.

"I want to borrow one of your puppets," Gu Tang said straightforwardly.

"What? What are you planning to do?" Black Tower frowned and turned to look at him.

"To complete a mission given by the system," Gu Tang answered honestly.

Among all the web novel travelers, you probably wouldn't find one more honest than him.

"Hmph… Fine, take the one in the corner. If there's nothing else, leave quickly and don't disturb me unnecessarily," Black Tower waved her hand dismissively.

Her attitude was so aloof, so indifferent, so detached from the world.

"Alright." Gu Tang slung the puppet over his shoulder and left.

A few hours later—

"Hmm, that's enough for today."

Black Tower stretched lazily and turned off the virtual screens.

She planned to take a break and have some afternoon tea.

Then, she remembered the puppet Gu Tang had taken earlier.

"What did that guy… take the puppet for?" Black Tower muttered to herself.

She was a bit curious. After all, Gu Tang was indeed a person full of mysteries.

Fortunately, she had the ability to satisfy her curiosity.

Black Tower decided to secretly go online using the puppet Gu Tang took, as long as she didn't make any movements, she wouldn't be discovered.

She put her plan into action immediately!

The Black Tower in the office trembled slightly, her eyes instantly turning hollow, becoming a lifeless puppet.

Meanwhile, the puppet in Gu Tang's room had a slight tremor in its pupils.

"Huh? Where are my clothes?" Black Tower wondered.

[Ding! Mission "Touch the Darkness Deep Within Her Heart" has been completed]

[Current Touch Area: 102.4%]

[You have acquired the skill "Demon Mountain Subjugation Force"]

"Great, all my hard work paid off," Gu Tang happily clenched his fist.

He walked out of the room with a light step.

Was it a coincidence? The Black Tower happened to be passing by his door.

"Black Tower, I completed the mission. Thanks a lot," Gu Tang greeted her with a smile.

Black Tower looked at him with a complex expression. "You… hmm… I… never mind."

Gu Tang: "?"

Did the Black Tower actually hesitate to speak?

He thought the Black Tower was the most straightforward person in the universe.


"Yeah, that's when I started awakening," Black Tower excitedly told Gu Tang.

"Rather than awakening, it's more like falling," Gu Tang muttered to himself.

Black Tower said in a nostalgic tone, "Back then, I really helped you complete quite a few missions... Do you remember that one time in the middle of the night when you made me wear a collar and walked me like a dog? You even left an urban legend on the space station—those mysterious puddles appearing at night..."

"Alright, I'm leaving," Gu Tang left the room.

"Cold-hearted bastard!" Black Tower shouted at his back as he left.


The door closed.

"Hmph, whatever, I should get going too. I still have important matters today..." Black Tower propped herself up, trying to stand.

But her legs went weak, and she collapsed to the ground.

"Ah, I overdid it, did I short-circuit?" Black Tower muttered to herself.

She decisively went offline, leaving the puppet lifeless.

A few minutes later, a fully dressed Black Tower entered Gu Tang's room and took the puppet away.


"Why are there so many people gathered here?"

Stelle arrived at the base module and found a crowd of employees gathered.

Upon closer inspection, they weren't ordinary employees; they were the leadership from various departments, including Asta and Himeko.

"Asta, what's going on here?" Stelle walked up and asked curiously.

Asta turned around. "Ah, Stelle, actually, a distinguished guest suddenly announced they would visit the space station today. Because the notice was sudden, everyone's a bit flustered, worried that we might not host them properly and tarnish Lady Black Tower's image."

"A distinguished guest? What kind of guest would cause such a fuss on the space station?" Stelle scratched her head.

"Miss Asta mentioned that this guest seems to be Lady Black Tower's academic partner. To be able to associate with her, they must be a prominent figure in the galaxy…" Asta explained.

"An academic partner… When we were testing Black Tower's simulated universe, I remember she mentioned a few names," Stelle mused, holding her chin.

"Ah, it's about time the guest should arrive," Asta said, checking the time.

Then, the doors opened.

An inorganic being entered, walking with steady steps.

"Hypothetically, thought always precedes language."

It was dressed in an elegant tailcoat, a bowler hat on its head, and a monocle on its right eye. Its every movement exuded a refined and aristocratic air.

"Then no words can define this joy."

Its elegance and poise epitomized what it means to be a true noble and gentleman.

"Pleased to meet you, Asta."

It nodded gracefully toward Asta, exuding warmth and charm.

"Mr. Roskum, welcome to Black Tower Space Station." Asta smiled and curtsied elegantly.

"Roskum… So it's Black Tower's partner from the simulated universe," Stelle nodded amidst the crowd of officers.

"Apologies for arriving 4 minutes and 13 seconds earlier than scheduled. I hope it doesn't cause any inconvenience," Roskum first apologized to Asta.

As expected of a recognized gentleman, he wouldn't overlook any detail that might cause discomfort to others.

Asta smiled, "Not at all, Mr. Roskum, it's an honor to have you here."

"No need to be so formal, Asta. You can address me as 'you.' The Black Tower Space Station is a place where knowledge converges. Here, we praise the equality of thought," Roskum said kindly, "The collaboration of organic life is fascinating and efficient—the speed at which you've rebuilt the space station far exceeded my calculations."

Asta nodded, "Thank you for your affirmation, Mr. Roskum. Would you like me to show you around? We've recently launched several projects based on the silicon matrix."

"Emotionally, I'd be delighted. But since I have an appointment with Black Tower, let's save those surprises for later," Roskum said with a hint of regret in his tone.

"I understand, Lady Black Tower should be in her office. Please follow me, I'll guide you," Asta offered.

"No need, I'll guide you instead," Gu Tang walked over.

He was holding a large bottle of alcohol, drinking as he walked, looking somewhat like he was drinking to drown his sorrows.

"Mr. Gu Tang, every time I see you, it's an absolute pleasure," Roskum greeted Gu Tang.

Because of Black Tower, the two had met before and had a good relationship.

"Didn't expect Black Tower to call you over," Gu Tang said as he handed Roskum a glass.

"What's this…" Roskum took the glass, and Gu Tang poured the liquid from the bottle into it.

Roskum took a sip of the liquid in the glass and nodded in approval, "Hmm… Oil from the Cross Star, smooth on the palate, with a unique aftertaste… I didn't expect you, Mr. Gu Tang, though an organic lifeform, to have such a taste for machine oil."

"Let's go, I'll take you to see Black Tower." Gu Tang continued drinking the machine oil, leaving the place.

Roskum followed behind, elegantly savoring the oil, unlike Gu Tang's boisterous gulps.

"...Why can Gu Tang drink machine oil without a problem?" Stelle tilted her head in confusion.

Asta shrugged, "Mr. Gu Tang has many extraordinary traits. I've gotten used to it."

After Roskum left, the crowd dispersed, and everyone returned to their posts.

But Stelle noticed a peculiar person in the corner of the room.

A young staff member was staring at a portrait of the Black Tower with a troubled expression.

"What are you up to?" Stelle approached him.

The young staff member looked at Stelle, "Ah, you're the hero who saved the space station. Thank goodness! Let me introduce myself. My name is Leonard, and I'm the network security engineer for this space station."

"Um… what's so great about that?" Stelle asked, puzzled.

"Sigh, actually, I really need your help right now. My job is to repair the main control system that was damaged during the antimatter legion invasion and restore the space station's network security," Leonard explained nervously, "But during the repair process, I discovered something abnormal—the access logs show that during the time the main control system was down, there was a third party that infiltrated here, besides the legion."

"You mean… someone else slipped into the space station during the chaos?" Stelle frowned.

For some reason, her head began to ache slightly.

A woman wearing sunglasses appeared in her mind.

"We suspect that the intruder is a Stellaron Hunter, those are dangerous individuals heavily wanted by the company," Leonard said seriously.

"Stellaron Hunters…" Stelle repeated the name quietly.

She instinctively felt that her fate would be entangled with the

 Stellaron Hunters.

She didn't know if this was a coincidence or if this was a bond that had been severed and reconnected.

Leonard said, "Right now, I'm investigating the infiltration point of the Stellaron Hunters in the base module, but the intruder seems to have left behind several layers of traps, making it very difficult for me to break through them. So I was hoping you could help me."

"Do I look like a tech expert?" Stelle wondered, scratching her head.

"No, no, not at all," Leonard quickly explained, "I just think that with your status as a hero and your incredible strength, you could help me deal with the intruder's traps."

"Well, if you put it that way, I guess I can help you." Stelle nodded in agreement.

They arrived at the base module.

Leonard pointed to a door and said, "According to the network logs, this is the most likely location where the intruder was active. I suspect there's a trap inside…"

The door creaked open on its own.

"I didn't open it! I swear!" Leonard quickly defended himself, frightened.

Stelle patted him on the shoulder, "You stay here; I'll go check it out."

"Alright…" Leonard swallowed hard and took a few steps back.

Stelle bravely entered the room.

She took a deep breath, and although it was pitch black inside, she fearlessly stepped forward.

The door closed behind her with a bang.

She quickly activated her weapon and got into a defensive stance, ready for any danger that might appear.

But there was nothing.

Suddenly, a sweet, magnetic voice rang out in the darkness.

"Oh, the famous Stellaron Hunter has finally arrived."

Stelle quickly looked around but couldn't find the source of the voice.

"Don't be nervous; we'll meet soon," the voice continued.

Then, a faint light appeared in the distance, guiding her forward.

Stelle took a deep breath and followed the light.

After walking for a while, she found herself in a spacious room.

In the center of the room was a round table, and sitting at it was a woman with short silver hair, cold eyes, and a sharp aura. She was dressed in a tight black suit, exuding a powerful and dangerous vibe.

The woman looked at Stelle with a faint smile.

"Welcome, Stellaron Hunter," she said.

Stelle frowned. "I don't know what you're talking about. I'm not a Stellaron Hunter."

"Oh, is that so?" The woman raised an eyebrow, clearly not believing her.

"Then why do I feel that you're one of us?" She stood up and approached Stelle, her presence overwhelming.

Stelle instinctively took a step back, her heart pounding.

"Who are you?" Stelle asked, her voice steady despite her nervousness.

The woman stopped right in front of her, looking down at Stelle with an unreadable expression.

"You can call me Silver Wolf," she finally said, her voice soft but menacing.

"And you, my dear, are about to be recruited."

Before Stelle could react, Silver Wolf snapped her fingers.

The entire room shifted, and Stelle felt herself being pulled into a different dimension.

When she opened her eyes, she was standing in the middle of a massive battlefield.

All around her, soldiers and machines clashed in a chaotic frenzy.

Stelle quickly got her bearings, realizing that she was in the middle of a high-stakes simulation.

And standing across from her, with a wicked grin on her face, was Silver Wolf.

"Let's start a little game, Stellaron Hunter," Silver Wolf said, her voice filled with anticipation.

Stelle didn't hesitate.

She gripped her weapon tightly and charged forward, ready to fight.

The simulation began, and with it, Stelle's first test as a potential Stellaron Hunter.