
It was only at this moment that he realized. So, these cunning Human Races were using strategies.

Moreover, he also noticed that many Human Races were tightly holding wooden spears and iron knives. Clearly, they had invented ironware! This discovery made Wang Meng's pupils contract. No wonder Chen Lie was so fearless. It turned out that he had a hidden killing move. His face turned rather ugly at the moment: "Brother, quickly ask your Human Races to put down the ironware. Let's each take a step back. How about that?"

Chen Lie smiled: "Do you think it's possible?"

Wang Meng glared and said: "Do you think you have a sure win? Let me tell you, I'm not afraid of losing some Barbarians. But you, this poor guy, only have this small world. I can afford to bet with you!"

While saying this, he simultaneously issued the divine oracle of attack.

When seeing the Barbarians trapped in the mire, Yan and the others of the Human Race were overjoyed and immediately held the ironware, ready to slash and kill.

The Barbarian leader suddenly let out a roar. The roar was like thunder, stunning the two humans at the front. At the same time, he broke free from the restraint of the mire.

The Human Race froze. At this time, the Barbarians behind all roared together. The earth trembled. At least half of the Barbarians broke free from the restraint.

The Human Race was panic-stricken. But the leader, Yan, knew well that there was no time to hesitate at this moment and led the Human Race to charge forward. Both sides engaged in a fierce fight.

The Barbarians were nearly two meters tall, had a robust build. The wooden sticks were swung very fast. When attacking, there was a chance to stun the enemy. They had a considerable advantage over the relatively shorter Human Races.

Three humans were killed by the Barbarians. Panic filled the crowd.

Yan quickly organized the Human Race. Relying on the advantage of the ironware in their hands, they launched a counterattack. Both sides were engaged in a fierce battle. At this time, the battle in the small world was intense. The hearts of the two young deities also trembled. Especially Chen Lie, who was very clear that this was a decisive battle in the class examination.

If his Human Race could win this battle, it would almost certainly be ranked in the top three of the class examination. Not only could he smoothly enter the Deity Examination but also could obtain the resource rewards issued by the school.

But if he lost, he would directly lose the small world. It was feared that he would have no chance to turn the tables in this lifetime.

Wang Meng's eyes were still fierce. Occasionally, he also glanced provocatively at Chen Lie. But the glances he threw at the small world from time to time still revealed his inner tension.

If he lost, he could simply buy a small world seed and wait for the re-examination next year. But this humiliation of being defeated was estimated to become a shadow for his entire life. The battle continued.

The Barbarian leader swung the wooden stick and charged into the crowd, killing three people in a row. The formation of the Human Race was on the verge of collapse. Many women and children even began to cry.

The Human Race fell into despair.

At the critical moment, Yan, who was regarded as an oppressor by the people, stepped forward and threw himself at the Barbarian leader. The two rolled into a ball. But it was obvious that Yan was at a disadvantage and was almost beaten to death by the Barbarian leader with his fists. Yan looked back at his third son, Iron. The intention was very obvious.

Iron evaded the siege of three Barbarians and thrust a spear into the neck of the Barbarian leader. Blood gushed out and the Barbarian leader died.

Yan was seriously injured. Before dying, he stared at Iron with his eyes, showing a relieved smile. His eyes gradually became lax. The death of Yan made the Human Race extremely grieved. Iron led the Human Race to defeat the Barbarian tribe and won this battle. The Human Race killed the Barbarians who were still struggling in the mire.

Blood stained the earth. Corpses fell into the river, staining the river. Many fish swam over to peck at them. 35 Human Races died and 71 Barbarians died. The Human Race rushed into Wang Meng's small world and began to occupy this world.

The battle was extremely fierce. Although the Human Race trapped half of the Barbarians in the mire and had the advantage of weapons, in the end, less than twenty survived.

The entire tribe suffered a great loss. Even the chief died.

The Barbarians in Wang Meng's world were even worse. They were completely wiped out. Chen Lie didn't even let the Human Race capture them as prisoners. After all, the number of Barbarians was large. If they entered Chen Lie's small world, they might very likely take the dominant position.

More importantly, these Barbarians might not necessarily obey Chen Lie's divine oracle. They must undergo several generations of domestication.

To avoid trouble, it was better to kill them all.


Seeing Chen Lie's actions, Wang Meng was both ashamed and angry.

He originally wanted to take this opportunity to seize Chen Lie's small world with the help of the Barbarian tribe. Unexpectedly, this guy didn't fall for it.

At the same time, he secretly regretted in his heart. If he had agreed to Chen Lie's conditions before the battle, it would have been fine.

"OK, brother, you are ruthless. I will have my revenge on you sooner or later!"

There were no ifs. Wang Meng threw down a harsh word and his virtual image disappeared before Chen Lie. Chen Lie didn't pay any attention to him at all.

Nowadays, deities were protected in the main world. Unless they appeared on the deity battlefield or signed a life-and-death contract, Wang Meng had no chance to kill him.

On the contrary, if Chen Lie had the opportunity, he would definitely eradicate Wang Meng completely. After all, he didn't dare to bet whether Wang Meng was just threatening or serious. He couldn't afford to bet. Shaking his head, he focused on the development of the small world in front of him again.

The creatures of your world, the Human Race, occupied Wang Meng's small world. Some resource points were damaged during the forced occupation. Do you choose to merge?


The resources you obtained are as follows: Small Forest, Medium River, Small Soil, Flock of Sheep (13), Small Sunshine.

Your deity level has increased by 1 and is currently 7. You have obtained an opportunity to refresh the attribute.

Your deity level has increased by 1 and is currently 8. You have obtained an opportunity to refresh the attribute.

The next moment, in Chen Lie's small world.

A large area of the forest expanded rapidly. Towering ancient trees stood, and the tree crowns intersected, forming a lush canopy. Even more intense sunlight shone through the layers of leaves, casting mottled light and shadows.

The air was filled with the moist smell of the soil. The river flowed through it, creating ripples.

Groups of sheep wandered leisurely.

The entire small world seemed to burst into new vitality in an instant.

Your small world has expanded to 70 square kilometers.

70 square kilometers was almost equivalent to more than half of the urban area. The area was not small.

It's a pity that Yan died...

But his son, Iron, is still alive. It can be considered that there is someone to succeed him.

Chen Lie sighed in his heart.

Yan had been of great help to his small world. It could be said that at least half of the credit for the development of the Human Race belonged to him. Unexpectedly, when he was approaching old age, he couldn't enjoy his old age peacefully but instead sacrificed his life for the Human Race. To some extent, it could be said that he died a worthy death.

And at this time, the small world in front of him was still operating continuously.

After Yan's death, his son, Iron, inherited the position of the leader of the Human Race and gathered the Human Race to pray for Yan's afterlife.

Some of the people who buried Yan were called priests.

Because Yan was the first to invent fire, his story circulated among the priests and the crowd and was called "The Great Yan Controlled Fire".

Iron endured the pain in his heart. After burying Yan, he led the Human Race to surround the sheep, establish pastures, expand the breeding scale of the fish schools, exploit iron ore and trees moderately, and at the same time encourage reproduction to prepare for the growth of the Human Race.

After swallowing the blood of the Human Race and the Barbarians, some of the fish schools became more active. At the same time, they began to evade the capture of the Human Race and even bit the humans who fell into the water. They seemed to have undergone mutations...