
"Has the fish school undergone mutation?" Chen Lie frowned.

The system has reminded many times. It seems to be true. However, the fish school doesn't seem to have fully developed intelligence and can't be regarded as a race. It seems that a certain opportunity is lacking. Should the chance to refresh the attribute be used for the fish school? Just as he was deep in thought, a voice suddenly rang out.

"Chen Lie?"

"Did you defeat Wang Meng?"

The next moment, the virtual image of the beautiful head teacher, Ye Meng, appeared. She glanced at Chen Lie's small world, not hiding her astonishment at all. She had just discovered the abnormal movement in Wang Meng's small world and thought that he had destroyed another student's world. She was about to come forward to give a few warnings but didn't expect the battle to end so quickly.

But the result was quite different from what she thought.

The winner this time was not Wang Meng but Chen Lie!

The tenth place directly defeated the second place! How on earth was this achieved?

Ye Meng's eyes flickered, and data kept flowing in her eyes. It seemed that she had discovered something. After a long time, she suddenly realized and said thoughtfully:

"So that's it, so that's it! Chen Lie, I didn't expect that a hero emerged in your world." A hero is the one who leads the development of the tribe and leads the tribe to prosperity.

This is why the Human Race led by Yan could burst out with extremely high combat power.

As for Wang Meng's Barbarian leader, at best, he was just stronger and had higher combat power. But other than that, he had no other advantages and thus couldn't be regarded as a[Hero].

At this time, Chen Lie smiled and said:

"Thanks a lot for your teachings, teacher." Ye Meng sighed:

"I didn't give you much help, but the development of your Human Race is indeed excellent. No wonder you could defeat Wang Meng." "It's just good luck."

"Luck is also a manifestation of strength."

Ye Meng interrupted him. Judging from the current grades, Chen Lie is firmly in the top three.

However, due to the just-ended fierce battle, the Human Race in the small world suffered heavy casualties, which will affect the class examination score. It's unknown whether it will be the second or third place in the end.

Just at this moment, another mechanical voice sounded.[The class examination is about to end. Please get ready, all students!] [The ranking is being input...] [The class examination results will be announced soon!]

Seeing this message, Ye Meng looked up at Chen Lie.

"Student Chen, the class examination is about to end. I will automatically send you all back to the main world. Later, the class examination results will be announced. You are basically certain to enter the Deity Examination."

"Congratulations, Student Chen."

"You have made great progress this time. As a teacher, I didn't do much. Well then..." After a pause, she said:

"Besides the school's rewards, I will personally prepare a small gift for you as a form of support for you."

Chen Lie nodded.

"Thank you for your cultivation, teacher." He wouldn't refuse the benefits presented to him.

Ye Meng said nothing more, just waved her hand, and the virtual image gradually blurred.

Almost at the same time, Chen Lie also felt a moment of trance. The next moment, the surrounding environment kept changing, and he returned to the classroom.

Everything just now was like a dream.

But the chattering discussions of his classmates quickly pulled him back to reality.

"How did your small world develop this time?"

"Wuwu, don't mention it. I was destroyed by Wang Meng at the beginning!" "So tragic. I have cultivated more than ten Human Races."

"It is said that Chu Xueying awakened the[Cat People]race this time. Logically speaking, it is definitely stronger than Wang Meng's race[Barbarians]. But Wang Meng invaded everywhere and accumulated resources. He must have surpassed Chu Xueying. It is estimated that he will be the first this time!"

"Hey, where is Wang Meng..."

Chen Lie looked around the class but didn't see Wang Meng.

It is estimated that after being defeated by himself, he felt ashamed and left early. Zhao Yuwei, who was barely an acquaintance, wasn't here either.

Next to Zhao Yuwei's seat, the beautiful top student Chu Xueying kept looking back at Wang Meng's seat, frowning slightly, as if looking for something.

"It seems that the relationship between these two is not simple." Chen Lie's heart moved but he didn't gossip too much. Because the class examination results were about to come out.

[Only the qualified grades of the top five are recorded in this examination.]

[Fifth place: Zhao Wan'an]

[Fourth place: Sun Xing]

[Third place: Qian Baiwan]

[Second place: Chu Xueying]

[First place: Chen Lie!]

"! I made it, I made it!"

Among the students, Zhao Wan'an shouted excitedly, dancing and almost flying with joy. He never expected that he would have such good luck and directly ranked fifth. Now he has the qualification to participate in the Deity Examination in a month.

But except for him in the class, everyone's expressions were puzzled.

"Why isn't the first place Wang Meng? His name isn't even on the list!" "Could it be that his small world was invaded and destroyed?"

"How could this be..."

Many students had incredulous expressions on their faces.

The first place is actually Chen Lie? What's going on?

His usual grades are not outstanding, and he doesn't have any specialties either?

Could it be that he has a deep background?

Even Ye Meng was somewhat surprised. She stared blankly at Chen Lie for a moment, seemingly not reacting for a while. She thought that it would be good if Chen Lie could reach the second or third place. She didn't expect him to get the first place. This is impossible. The Human Race in his small world suffered heavy casualties. Logically speaking, it is not as good as Chu Xueying's[Cat Race].

Could it be that there is some other potential in his small world?

For a moment, almost everyone's eyes were focused on Chen Lie, staring at him intently. Some even went on stage and whispered their doubts to Ye Meng.

Chen Lie was quite calm. He didn't cheat. He just didn't expect to be the first, even surpassing Chu Xueying. At this time, Ye Meng on the podium cleared her throat: "Be quiet, everyone be quiet." After a moment of silence, Ye Meng scanned the students and then said: "Let me say a few things first.


"The reason why classmate Wang Meng is not on the list is that his small world was invaded by another classmate. There is no favoritism or fraud in this class examination."


As soon as these words were said, it was like throwing a stone into a turbulent sea, and the entire class burst into an uproar.

The meaning of these words is obvious. Besides Chen Lie, who is the first in the class, and Chu Xueying, who is the second, who has the ability to invade Wang Meng's small world?

And Chen Lie is now ranked first. If it wasn't him who invaded Wang Meng's small world and reaped benefits from it, there should be no other possibility.

This guy has been keeping a low profile and unexpectedly defeated Wang Meng. What kind of hidden race did he awaken? Could it be Asura? Or maybe Giants or Angels? Everyone guessed in their hearts.

Some even directly asked Chen Lie, but he just shook his head with a smile and didn't answer.

Ye Meng shook her head again:

"Everyone, be quiet. The top five will go to the principal's office to receive the rewards after a week's rest." "Students who were eliminated, don't worry. There are thousands of paths in life, and all can lead to Rome..."

Chen Lie patiently waited for Ye Meng to finish speaking. It wasn't until Ye Meng sent a reward to his small world that he got up and was about to leave.

Unexpectedly, a cold voice of Chu Xueying came from behind.

"Although I don't know what despicable means you used to become the first, I won't let you go." "Three days later, I will challenge you in person. The loser will fall directly and lose everything."