Offense is the best defense

This time, the luck was truly excellent. With just two [Creature Quantity Growth Cards], the human race's population increased by 105. Coupled with the human race's ability to forge iron tools, when combined, Chen Lie was fully confident in facing Chu Xueying's challenge three days later. He wondered how embarrassed the so-called genius girl would look after being defeated by him. Without thinking further, Chen Lie chose to let the small world continue to develop.

The leader of the human race, Tie, often recalled his father, Yan. If the human population had been larger at that time, could the human race have resisted the invasion of foreign races and perhaps his father, Yan, could have survived? Tie firmed up his inner thoughts and demanded that the human race accelerate the rate of population growth while ensuring an adequate food supply. As a result, the human population grew to 174.

Tie gave birth to five children and, upon the suggestion of the priest, named them Ji Tian, Jiang Shui, Yao Hua, Ying Su, and Si Yu after their mothers' names.

The population growth compelled the human race to diligently cultivate the land, sow berries, and conduct large-scale fishing, which alarmed the fish race. Stimulated by the crisis, the fish race underwent a wide range of mutant evolution.

Tie's son, Si Yu, was skilled in water. While wandering in the river, he accidentally discovered the underwater territory of the fish race and was greatly astonished. He also attempted to capture a fish creature. Enraged, the fish race attacked him collectively, killing Si Yu in the deep water, devouring his flesh and blood, and burying his bones.

Tie sensed the anomaly and ordered the human race to search everywhere, eventually discovering the traces of the fish race. The human race was both shocked and angry. The fish race, which was once regarded as food, had actually developed its own civilization. The two races went to war, with 8 human deaths and Tie's son, Yao Hua, among them. The fish race lost 25.

Seeing the development of the small world to this extent, Chen Lie's expression changed drastically and he immediately issued a divine decree: [The human race and the fish race shall coexist peacefully under the condition of ensuring the survival of both sides.]

Only then did he recall that it was mentioned long ago in the [Novice Deity Career Development Manual] that conflicts and even wars were highly likely among races in the small world. Additionally, the chance of obtaining races was originally very low. Therefore, the vast majority of deities only developed one race in the small world. Deities who developed two races simultaneously were extremely rare. Chen Lie, who developed two races during the novice deity period, was even more of an oddity. "Fortunately, I didn't recruit that batch of barbarians back then. Otherwise, the current situation would be even more chaotic."

"The fish race was a native race born in the small world due to my modification of the terms. I wonder if they will obey my divine decree..." Chen Lie felt somewhat troubled. Fortunately, the fish race absolutely obeyed his command.

[The great god Chen Lie issued the divine decree, and both the human race and the fish race heard the call of the god.]

[The human race and the fish race reached a reconciliation. The human race still retains the right to consume fish but is prohibited from hunting the fish race.] [The fish race is permitted to reside in the deep sea and is not allowed to obstruct the human race from fishing.]

[Some fish claimed that paramecia also have the right to survive. Under coercion, the human race agreed to release a batch of paramecia and allow them to swim freely in the river.]

[The two races began a period of peaceful and stable development.]

[Your small world has achieved significant development. Your deity level has increased by 1 and is now 9. You have obtained an opportunity to refresh the terms.]

After a moment of contemplation, Chen Lie chose to use the opportunity to refresh the terms for the human race. After all, no one could guarantee whether Chu Xueying would come to challenge him within these three days. At that time, in the face of her [Cat People] race army, it would be better to deal with it using the human race. After all, it was impossible to let the [Fish Race] confront the [Cat People], right? Wouldn't that simply add a dish to their lunch? Chen Lie wasn't that stupid.

Not only that, in the future, if he encountered challenges from other deities, Chen Lie not only had to win but also had to win decisively. Otherwise, if the number of living creatures suffered significant losses, it would be difficult for his small world to develop, let alone face the Deity Examination a month later. That was an opportunity to change his fate and he definitely could not miss it.

In a moment of thought, three terms appeared before his eyes.

[All-out Offense (Blue): When this race is faced with an enemy invasion, they believe that offense is the best defense. This increases the chance of improving the physical fitness of the race and creating new types of weapons, while reducing the chance of developing defensive armors.]

[Turtle Shell (Blue): This race believes that war is a waste of resources and energy. When invaded by the enemy, the best choice is to make them return empty-handed. Therefore, this race is more inclined to build city walls.]

[The Best Defense (Blue): This race is not afraid of war but believes that protecting the safety of soldiers during combat is of utmost importance. Therefore, creating individual soldier armors is the top priority.]

All three terms were of blue quality and the choice was truly difficult.

Chen Lie first discarded the term [Turtle Shell]. Passive defense and waiting for the enemy to attack was not a good option.

Finally, he hesitated between [All-out Offense] and [The Best Defense].

According to the experiences of predecessors, the [All-out Offense] would cultivate a warlike race that was passionate about outward invasion. However, this choice had a significant drawback. That is, if the race remained in the small world for an extended period, it would trigger racial wars or internal conflicts, and could only direct its aggression outward. But if an outward invasion failed once, the price to pay would be catastrophic. Moreover, even if the physical fitness of humans improved, there was still a considerable gap compared to other races, which was like trying to fill a shortcoming but failing to do so.

If [The Best Defense] was chosen, the individual soldier armor ability would be enhanced. It was said that in a small world, a deity had researched technological armors to the extreme and was already capable of loading mechas and traveling through the starry sky. His deity level had reached 137, which was considered a decent strength in the deity world. However, unfortunately, the upper limit of this deity seemed to have reached its peak and there was little room for growth. Compared to the top-notch human immortal cultivation system and the human western fantasy system, there was still a considerable gap.

"No... that's not right!"

Chen Lie suddenly remembered something. He was a deity with a system! Perhaps any term could enable him to break through the limit and become the most outstanding interstellar civilization.

Besides, extremely powerful cultivation civilizations such as the immortal cultivation system, the western fantasy system, and the douqi system had extremely high resource prices and the paths for advancement were almost solidified. They were not accessible to "freeloaders" like Chen Lie.

"Then, choose [The Best Defense] and let the small world continue to develop." Chen Lie took a deep breath. This girl, Chu Xueying, had put quite a bit of pressure on him. If he didn't quickly develop his strength and defeat her, it would be unjustifiable.