Be furious

The small world continued to develop.

[After experiencing a major battle, the human race realized the importance of defense.]

[They discovered that iron resources could be used to forge hard weapons, and it should also be possible to use them for defense and cast them into iron armor.]

[Under Tie's order, the human race began to mine iron ore and forge iron armor.]

[However, they soon discovered that the iron ore was insufficient and it was simply impossible to forge enough iron armor. Moreover, the iron armor was quite heavy and not suitable for flexible combat.]

[The human race only forged five sets of iron armor.]

[Jitian, the eldest son of Tie, suggested forging iron shields to replace the iron armor, but the iron resources were still insufficient.] [Jitian improved the iron shields, and the human race began to forge wooden shields and wrapped a layer of iron sheet on the outer layer of the wooden shields.] [The fish race detected this and began to be vigilant.]

[The fish race worked harder to reproduce, expel and inhale, increasing the number and strength of their race.] [The fish race wanted to cultivate paramecia to use the power of allies to confront the human race.]

[The paramecia spat out a bubble. They were congenitally deficient and simply couldn't form a civilization.] [The number of living creatures of the human race increased to 197.] [The number of living creatures of the fish race increased to 313.]


Time passed quickly, but two or three days were enough for a qualitative change to occur in the civilization of the God World.

Bang bang bang!

The knock on the door sounded, waking Chen Lie, who was observing the small world. He immediately got up and opened the door. Standing at the door was Chu Xueying.

Today, she was wearing a pure white dress, and the hem of the dress swayed gently in the breeze. The neckline and cuffs of the dress were decorated with exquisite lace, and her long hair cascaded over her shoulders like a waterfall.

The neckline and cuffs of the dress were decorated with exquisite lace, and her long hair cascaded over her shoulders like a waterfall. Her slender and long beautiful legs, wearing thin white stockings as thin as cicada wings, outlined an alluring curve. Chen Lie took a few honest looks, then looked back at the time and frowned, saying.

"You came early. It's only the second day today. Didn't you say you would come after three days?"

Chu Xueying walked into the low-rent housing without hesitation, glanced at the furnishings of the room, and looked up at Chen Lie with undisguised contempt in her eyes.

"Giving you three days to prepare, right? Who knows what despicable means you will use against me?" Chen Lie smiled and said, "So you are not really giving me time, but using this period to investigate my background."

"Bingo!" Chu Xueying snapped her fingers and said, "It seems you are not too stupid."

"I'll be straightforward. My elder brother, who is neither from the same mother nor the same father, is truly a loser. But after all, he is from the Wang Group, and not anyone can insult him."

"I agree to the conditions you proposed to him before, two small world seeds, but the premise is that you have to take out your small world, give it to Wang Meng as compensation, and apologize publicly."

Chen Lie's face twitched slightly, putting on a forced smile. Chu Xueying frowned and said, "Why? You don't want to?"

Chen Lie shook his head and said, "I know of a God World where there is a feudal dynasty ruled by the human race called the Great Ming. The last emperor of the Great Ming was Chongzhen. He was diligent and ambitious, but was eventually forced to hang himself on Coal Hill."

Chu Xueying narrowed her eyes and said, "Why are you telling me this?"

Chen Lie looked up and laughed, "I just want to tell you a simple truth."

"Even if I give the small world to Wang Meng, but his fate is not strong enough to hold it down." Chu Xueying's face darkened, and she became angry and said. "If we can't agree, then let's test your methods."

She had investigated these days.

Chen Lie had no background. His parents were far away on other planets. He lived in low-rent housing and often had problems with living expenses and tuition fees.

The reason why he was able to defeat Wang Meng was probably because he was good at strategizing and had good luck. But in the face of absolute strength, no matter how much calculation was done, it would still end up in vain.

Not to mention the potential in the later stage, just in terms of the early development, the [Cat Race] could easily defeat two or three [Human Races].

Since Chen Lie was not sensible, then teach him a lesson.

The next moment, the divine power surging out of the two of them was overwhelming and quickly enveloped their figures. The battle between the two worlds officially began.

[98 cat people invaded your world.]

[The cat people belong to the orc family. Their overall appearance is similar to that of humans, with smooth and powerful muscle lines, vigorous cat legs, and sharp cat claws at the tips of their feet, which can easily tear apart prey.]

[Your human race leader Tie responded quickly and ordered a legion composed of 100 young adults to carry iron shields and iron spears to meet the enemy.]

Seeing a legion emerging from Chen Lie's small world, Chu Xueying's pupils shrank sharply, and her eyes trembled slightly. She subconsciously took two steps back, looked up at Chen Lie with all seriousness in her eyes, no longer showing the disdain from before. What's the situation? Where did this 100-person human race legion come from? It's only been a few days. How did Chen Lie develop to this point?

No wonder Wang Meng lost.

However, Chu Xueying still quickly adjusted her mindset, concentrated her energy, and asked the leader of the cat race to adjust the battle formation and be ready to meet the enemy at any time.

Her cat race leader was an extremely rare [Hero]. Coupled with the fact that the cat race's combat power was quite strong in the early stage, it was not necessarily that they would lose to Chen Lie.

The battle was about to break out.

[Under the leadership of the cat race leader, Xiong Hu, the cat race marched towards the direction of the human race.]

[At the same time, he also sent a large number of cat race scouts to sneak into the mountains and forests, ready to support, attack or scout for intelligence at any time.] [The cat race army continued to advance, but there was some chaos when passing the river because they discovered a large number of fish, which was the best food for the cat race.]

[More than a dozen cat people who were good at swimming went to catch fish. Even though Xiong Hu scolded them repeatedly, it was to no avail. Even Xiong Hu himself wanted to catch fish. This was the nature of the cat race.]

[The waves churned, and after a long time, it became calm. The cat people who entered the water did not appear for a long time.]

[Xiong Hu felt something was wrong and was just asking the cat race not to go into the water, but another dozen or so cat people excitedly jumped into the water.]

[Just then, the human race army arrived. Under the unexpected situation, Xiong Hu had no choice but to start the battle.]

[The sharp claws of the cat race could only scratch a series of marks on the iron shields of the human race, and they simply couldn't break through the defense.]

[Tie seized the opportunity decisively and ordered his son Jitian to lead the human race soldiers in a siege formation, gradually closing in towards the center, leaving the cat race with no space to exert their speed and could only flee in all directions.]

[The casualties of the cat race continued to increase. Due to the division of troops and fishing, there were now less than 50 cat people in the cat race.]

[As the human race narrowed the encirclement and thrust forward with their spears, one cat person after another was killed. In despair, Xiong Hu knelt down and surrendered, begging not to be killed.]

[Under his plea, the cat race scouts in the mountains and forests surrendered voluntarily, but the 30 cat people who were fishing in the water were nowhere to be seen for a long time.]


Up to now in the battle, Chu Xueying's originally beautiful face was now almost covered with dark clouds. She thought this would be a fierce battle, but in the end, it was a one-sided massacre!

The cat race had no resistance at all. Nearly half of them were killed or injured, but the human race had only lost less than five people. How was this achieved? It's only been a few days. How could Chen Lie's human race forge ironware?

Also, what kind of monster was hidden in that water? Thirty cat people disappeared in an instant! Thinking of this, a burst of anger suddenly flared up in her eyes, and she couldn't help but step forward and shout angrily.

"What did you do?!"

"Chen Lie, if you don't explain clearly to me today, just wait to bear the consequences!"

Hearing this, Chen Lie smiled casually, took two steps back and sat on the lounge chair, rocking gently, looking like a certain fish-selling tycoon.

"I think you are wrong. Now, the one who should explain should be you."