Blue Creature Card

"You want me to explain?"

Chu Xueying's face was filled with rage. However, looking at the battle situation in the small world, the words that were about to come out were held back for a long time and not uttered.

Her army of cat people was almost annihilated, and the cat people leader, Xiong Hu, was still in Chen Lie's small world. With just one order from Chen Lie, this extremely precious hero would instantly vanish into ashes.

She might not care about other things, but a [Hero] was of extremely high value, almost equivalent to half a small world. It must not be lost like this.

So her voice paused for a moment and almost softened instantly. "I lost this time. Say it, Chen Lie. Talk about your conditions."

Chen Lie crossed his hands and nodded slightly. His face was indistinct in the poorly lit rental house, and at the same time, his voice faintly came.

"Very simple, five blue-quality [Creature Growth Cards]..." "You... What did you say?!"

Before the words were finished, Chu Xueying suddenly stood up, opened her eyes wide, and her face carried an expression of disbelief.

Not to mention how precious the [Creature Growth Cards] were, even five ordinary blue-quality cards would cost at least ten million energy points!

So much money could buy a company!

Even though she was from a wealthy and powerful family, at this moment, she was shocked by Chen Lie's condition. Looking up again, she sized up Chen Lie in front of her. His eyes were deep and his expression was mysterious. For a moment, it was impossible to figure out what he was thinking.

Chen Lie was an extremely ordinary existence in the class before. Even though he was somewhat handsome, he didn't attract much attention from Chu Xueying.

After all, the gap between their family circumstances was too great. With sufficient resource inclination, Chen Lie would have no chance to even eat dirt in front of her in the future.

But now she changed her mind.

Without relying on any resources, he was able to defeat her with the ordinary human race. He was a rare talent. Put outside, I don't know how many big companies are scrambling to recruit him. Such a person, with sufficient bargaining chips, deserves her respect.

"Three Creature Growth Cards. I can only give you this much. If you agree, we can make the transaction now..."


A collision sound rang out, and Chu Xueying's heart trembled.

Chen Lie kicked over the chair under him, slightly pushed the door with his right hand, and turned sideways towards Chu Xueying, saying, "Don't send yourself off. " "Wait..."

Seeing that if she didn't leave, she would be pushed out directly by Chen Lie or even be dragged and thrown out by him, Chu Xueying quickly made a guarantee.

"Five! Five Creature Growth Cards!"

"I can only give you this much at most. You should know that although the hero is precious, there is always a price. The price I offered is already very high!

Chen Lie nodded slightly: "Deal."

The two quickly reached a transaction.

Just as Chu Xueying said, the heroes in the early stage of the game were not valuable at all. They were worth at most two blue items. This transaction was a big win for Chen Lie.


After redeeming her hero, Chu Xueying bit her moist lips, looked at him unwillingly, and asked another question.

"I want to know, after my 30 cat people entered the water, why none of them came out? What did you ambush there?

"I don't know."

Chen Lie didn't answer at all. The smile on his face instantly disappeared and he closed the door expressionlessly.

"What a strange person..."

Chu Xueying sighed, always feeling that she was manipulated just now.

After just two steps, a Lotus car stopped. After getting into the back seat, a sinister gaze immediately swept towards her. "Wang Meng? Why are you here?" Chu Xueying frowned.

Wang Meng showed a disgusted expression on his face: "Shouldn't I be the one asking you?"

"I will deal with Chen Lie myself. I don't need you to worry. Remember, you will always be surnamed Chu and have nothing to do with our Wang Group. Wang Rende is my father and I am his only son!"

Chu Xueying said coldly, "As you please. But I warn you, Chen Lie is not weak. Even my cat people couldn't defeat him. He is not as simple as he seems..."

Wang Meng directly interrupted her words: "That's even better. If he is too weak, Ye Lingfeng from Haishi No.1 High School won't bother to deal with him."

"What?! Ye Lingfeng?"

Ye Lingfeng awakened an extremely terrifying race and is a popular candidate in this year's God Examination in Haishi. He has even been recruited internally by several god universities.

Moreover, his family background is prominent and is not inferior to the Wang Group at all. How did Wang Meng manage to invite him?

However, seeing that Wang Meng had no intention of explaining at all, Chu Xueying was silent for a moment and still said, "We are all classmates in the same class and won't have any intersections in the future. Why be so ruthless in doing things."

"Besides, his family is extremely poor and doesn't have the resources you need."

Wang Meng was silent for a moment, looked at the dilapidated low-rent housing outside the car window, and slowly uttered a sentence: "I just want him dead."

In the low-rent housing, Chen Lie kept wiping the cold sweat on his forehead. "Fortunately, I bluffed that girl. I wouldn't be able to hold on for another half a minute."

He was purely acting. Through bluffing and deceiving, he successfully obtained five Creature Growth Cards, and all of them were of blue quality.

With so many Creature Growth Cards, I don't know how far the human race in the small world can be developed? Without further ado, Chen Lie directly entered the small world and chose to use them on the human race.

[Creature Growth Card (Blue): Can increase the number of creatures in a primary civilization or below group. The increase is random between 100 and 500.]

[The human race gains 310 creatures!] [The human race gains 380 creatures!]

[The carrying capacity of your small world is limited. Please develop the world as soon as possible and increase the god level!] "Can't it be used so soon?"

Chen Lie was stunned for a moment and quickly understood.

If treasures could be used infinitely, it is estimated that those rich kids would have become infinitely stronger long ago. How could there be any room for people like them?

It seems that in order to improve strength in the future, on the one hand, we need to use the terms to continue to expand the human race and the fish race in the small world.

On the other hand, we still need to invade other worlds, destroy and occupy them, and expand the carrying capacity of the world as soon as possible.

Putting away the remaining three [Creature Growth Cards (Blue)], his consciousness merged into the small world, promoting the continuous development of the world.

[The number of creatures of the human race increased to 876. The clan leader, Tie, hesitated for a while and quickly realized that this was the gift of the main god.]

[Your small world has achieved significant development. Your god level has increased by 2 and is currently 11. You have obtained a chance to refresh the terms.]

[The sharply increased number of creatures has put great pressure on the environment of the small world. The simplest reason is the shortage of food.]

[The lack of resources is unbearable for the human race.]

[Under the instigation of Tie's son, Ying Su, many human warriors secretly gathered, preparing to declare war on the fish race.] Chen Lie immediately interrupted the evolution of the small world and quickly used the chance to refresh the terms for the two resource points.

The resources of the small world are too scarce. This cannot be changed by a single war, and war can only lead to internal consumption of creatures. This is something he definitely doesn't want to see.

At the next moment, divine light flashed, and one term after another appeared before his eyes.

[Various ] [ Take root in the darkness ] [ Hard shell ] ....