Chapter 60 Sending off the Beggar


"County Chief Mingwei," Ho Dongguo began, "I do have my skills, and little Mei, she knows the score too. Since she's been in bed with a town chief like me, she's all the more eager to grace the bed of a county chief like yourself."

"You perhaps don't know, but Mei's husband is away working for most of the year, barely touching her a few times. If both of us take our turns with her, we're actually doing her a favor, hahaha..."

As soon as Ho Dongguo finished speaking, both men burst into raucous laughter.

Without further ado, they drank the remaining liquor in their glasses and made their way together to the eighth floor.

Ho Dongguo first swiped into room 8828, where he was staying, and then used a spare key card to usher Zhang Mingwei into room 8838, where Li Mei was waiting.

What he didn't know was that Wang Xiaoshuai had taken the opportunity to slip quietly into room 8828.