Chapter 61 I Can't Decide on My Own

"What do you mean?" Ho Dongguo asked with a calm facade.

"My sister is still a child; she has been hiding at home crying every day, too afraid to tell our parents about this.

I had thought of finding your son to take responsibility, but that little bastard disappeared as soon as he heard about it. Do you really think I'll let him off the hook like that?" Wang Xiaoshuai said coldly.

Ho Dongguo's eyelids twitched; he hadn't anticipated Wang Xiaoshuai to be more difficult to deal with than he had imagined.

After composing himself, he spoke, "Young man, you're absolutely right, what my son did was disgraceful. Just tell me, how much do you want to resolve this? As long as it's not too outrageous, I will find a way.

No matter what, I am Qiang's father, and it doesn't make sense for me to shirk responsibility when he has erred, especially since I am also the person in charge of Qingyuan Township; I do have the courage to take responsibility!"