Chapter 6 Puncturing the Window Paper


With a startling cry, Zhang Xiaowei suddenly sat up.

Li Hongmei, who was sitting by Zhang Xiaowei's side, was immediately frightened.

"Grandma, Xiaowei woke up."

She then hurriedly got up to inform the old lady.

Zhang Xiaowei, looking at Li Hongmei rushing out, suddenly recalled the crazy scene before, and couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

This thought was careless, as the back of his head suddenly ached.

Reaching up to touch it, he discovered that there was a gauze bandage on the back of his head.

Soon, the old lady came into the room, accompanied by Li Hongmei.

"Xiaowei, you scared your Big Nanny to death, I thought you were gone for good!"

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaowei gave a bitter smile.

The three of them, old and young, gathered together, none without embarrassment.

The old lady had thought that Li Hongmei had killed Zhang Xiaowei.

In her anxiety, she accidentally blurted out the matter of her coercing Zhang Xiaowei to force himself on Li Hongmei.

Needless to say, Li Hongmei was certainly unhappy, having been taken advantage of by Zhang Xiaowei twice today.

Especially the second time, she almost became Zhang Xiaowei's woman.

If there was someone who felt the most embarrassed, it was Zhang Xiaowei.

He guessed that in Li Hongmei's heart, even if he was not a rapist, he was at least considered a hoodlum.

After a long silence, Li Hongmei finally spoke with a flushed face.

"I'm sorry, Xiaowei, I really didn't mean it. When you acted like that towards me, I got nervous and just..."

Although Li Hongmei was the victim, she apologized to him first, which made Zhang Xiaowei feel extremely ashamed.

"Sister Hongmei, it's me who should be sorry. I just lost my head..."

Before Zhang Xiaowei could finish speaking, Big Nanny interrupted him.

"Hongmei, Xiaowei, neither of you is wrong, it's this old lady who's to blame. I shouldn't have been so foolish as to try and force you into doing such a thing using death as a threat, then you wouldn't have gotten hurt. Hongmei, if you want to blame someone, blame me!"

On hearing the old lady's words, Li Hongmei became flustered and shook her head repeatedly.

"Grandma, how could I blame you!"

Watching Li Hongmei's eyes redden, the old lady also started to choke up.

"Ah, what kind of sin did our Zhang family commit? First, it was Xiaowei's parents, the couple met with disaster in the mountains while trying to gather funds for Xiaowei's education. Then it was Dawei's parents, who both contracted pneumoconiosis at the quarry."

The old lady, wiping her tears, shared the unfortunate events of the Zhang family with the two.

"Now even Dawei has become vegetative, leaving just the three of us in the Zhang family. Why can't the gods see, keeping this useless old thing alive, how good it would be to trade my old life for Dawei's return!"

Watching Big Nanny crying bitterly, Zhang Xiaowei also felt pained.

Li Hongmei was even more tearful, hugging the old lady's shoulders, comforting her ceaselessly.

"Grandma, don't say such things. Things are already like this; we must live well."

The old lady looked up at Li Hongmei and sighed deeply.

"My old man died early; tell me, after a hundred years, when I see him in the netherworld and if he asks me if our Zhang family has a successor, what answer am I supposed to give him!"

Hearing this, Li Hongmei, who had been sobbing quietly, gradually blushed.

Suddenly, her eyes became resolute.

She raised her head and looked at the old lady seriously, "Grandma, as a granddaughter-in-law of the Zhang family, it's my duty to carry on the family legacy; please don't be sad anymore."

Upon hearing this, the old lady and Zhang Xiaowei both looked at Li Hongmei in confusion.

With a flushed face, Li Hongmei wiped her tears and shyly glanced at Zhang Xiaowei.

"Tonight, let Xiaowei and me continue the Zhang family line."