Chapter 155: Dig a Pit and Wait for Him to Come

Sun Qian's face was full of anxiety, not knowing how to deal with the issue at hand.

Zhang Xiaowei, however, didn't take it to heart at all.

"Why do you care about this so much? What can he do to you? Worst comes to worst, you just don't be the village chief anymore. No matter what factory it is, as long as it comes to our Kaoshan Village, we will oppose it with all our might."

As a member of Kaoshan Village, Zhang Xiaowei absolutely could not allow anyone to come and ruin the village again.


Sun Qian frowned, clearly still uneasy.

"There's no 'but' about it. If he dares to talk to you like that again, just bring up the mine. They want to build a factory, they should compensate for the damage the previous mine caused to the village first!"

Without any clue earlier, Sun Qian, after listening to Zhang Xiaowei, carefully pondered and realized it was indeed a solution.