Chapter 156 Where Did All These Problems Come From

Upon hearing this, Sun Qian's face immediately changed color.

"The village inherently belongs to the collective, and is the property of all the villagers. If you want to build a factory in Kaoshan Village, how can you do so without seeking the villagers' opinions?"

These words from Sun Qian obviously made the man with glasses' expression turn unpleasant.

"I don't mean to disregard the villagers' opinions, it's just that we are investing in a high-tech production line, and the villagers might not understand these matters," he said.

After saying this, the man with glasses immediately looked at Zhang Xiaowei with a self-satisfied air.

That look was clearly one of disdain, as though he felt Zhang Xiaowei's level of education was simply insufficient to understand the intricacies involved.

"If it's something we don't understand, then don't build your factory in our village."