Chapter 269 Renting Land

"Xiaowei, I haven't had dinner yet!"

Tan Xiaoli was startled by the sudden embrace of Zhang Xiaowei.

Seeing his hand mischievously moving from her shoulder to the front, Tan Xiaoli quickly whispered a protest.

Zhang Xiaowei didn't care about that, he grinned and said, "Xiaoli, you eat yours. It's rare for us to have such a world for just the two of us today, and I don't want to waste a single second."

Tan Xiaoli's mind was in such disarray that she had no appetite for food.

After hastily eating a few more bites, she twisted her body and clung to Zhang Xiaowei.

The long night passed, and Zhang Xiaowei, who had pent-up urges for quite a while, finally let it all out.

The next morning, Tan Xiaoli was woken up by Zhang Xiaowei's shaking.

Having slept too late the day before, her eyes could barely open.

"Xiaoli, it's getting late, we should head back to the village."

Tan Xiaoli struggled to open her eyes, and staggered into the bathroom.