Chapter 270: Dividing the Money

"You got out so soon?"

Zhang Xiaowei was astonished at the voice on the other end of the phone.

"We didn't know about what they were doing, and although we gathered and rioted, didn't we not actually start anything? Plus, I went with you to catch those bastards, which is like wearing a crime and achieving merit, so they didn't punish us harshly."

The person on the other end of the phone was none other than the young guy who had led a group to cause trouble in the village before.

"Alright then, wait for me at the entrance to the village, I'll come to find you."

Zhang Xiaowei had not really expected the kid to show up in the village.

Without saying much to Gu Sui, he greeted her and ran towards the village entrance.

Three vans were parked at the entrance of the village, obviously the same people as last time had all come.

From afar, seeing Zhang Xiaowei coming, everyone from the vans ran down, a good twenty or so people.