Chapter 323 Scared Soft

Suddenly, Zhang Dabao stopped what he was doing and turned to look at the door.

Wu Xiaoshan's heart leapt into his throat. Could he have been discovered by Zhang Dabao?

"I've got to shut the door to keep people from coming in and disturbing us," Zhang Dabao muttered before getting up to close the door.

Only then did Wu Xiaoshan breathe a sigh of relief, realizing that Zhang Dabao hadn't noticed him.

Soon, Zhang Dabao, who had closed the door, returned to the room.

"Xiuzhen, today we're going to make a baby," he declared.

This made Wu Xiaoshan chuckle to himself. After all, Zhang Dabao had been married to Shen Xiuzhen for so many years without any children; his efforts today were unlikely to change that.

However, there are always exceptions. If by some fluke Zhang Dabao managed to get Shen Xiuzhen pregnant after holding off for so long, she might actually consider remarrying him.