Chapter 324: Pregnant

Leaving Qin Yufeng's house, Zhang Jiaojiao told Xiaoshan about the work clothes situation before heading back.

Wu Xiaoshan didn't take the specifics to heart.

He simply used an excuse to send Zhang Jiaojiao away, his mind preoccupied the whole way, pondering what exactly was wrong with Qin Yufeng.

In the back of his mind, Wu Xiaoshan, connecting the dots with what Zhang Jiaojiao had said earlier, came to a decision.

"Could it be that Yu Feng is pregnant?"

The symptoms of Qin Yufeng were clearly those of pregnancy, which meant the child inside her must be his own.

Her husband had been dead for so many years, and she had always been chaste, never the subject of village gossip.

Recently, Xiaoshan had been the one closest to her, and if people found out she was pregnant, they would immediately think that the child in her belly was definitely sown by Xiaoshan.

After going around in circles, Wu Xiaoshan quietly made his way back to Qin Yufeng's house.