Chapter 6 Have you been sitting in that spot for a bit too long?_2

The elevator doors opened, and he was greeted by a girl in a black business suit, her features round and lustrous. She wasn't exactly beautiful, but she was definitely pretty, and those long, straight legs of hers made her look slender and graceful as she stood.

What stood out the most was the white shirt whose buttons were stretched tight, almost bursting forth, and Chu Yi couldn't help but sneak a few more glances.

"Hello, you must be Mr. Chu Yi. Our chairman has been waiting for you for a long time. Please, this way."

Chu Yi surveyed the floor's decor, the double-layered crystal chandeliers, the brand-new red carpet, and antique decorations on the walls, which clearly differed from the office designs below. The chairman's treatment was indeed distinct...

There was also a scent in the hall that he found extremely familiar, akin to the smell of burning incense.

When he was on the mountain, he was no stranger to this sandalwood smell, his master was always burning incense, and he had almost gotten sick of it.

"The chairman's office is right ahead, please."

Knock, knock, knock...

Chu Yi politely knocked on the door made of yellow rosewood.

"Come in."

A deep yet gentle voice of a middle-aged man came from inside.

Chapter Seven: A Test of Skill?

Chu Yi straightened his collar, feeling both nervous and excited as he approached the office.

As he entered the office, directly in front was a spacious sofa, and sitting on it were two women with frigid and stern faces, their eyes seeming like they could devour Chu Yi.

Then, a middle-aged man in a Sun Yat-sen suit turned around, "Chu Yi, is it? Have a seat, have a seat."

Chu Yi walked forward politely, taking a glance at the kind and genial middle-aged man and quickly recalling information that matched his status, Han Likuo, Chairman of Han Corporation, a star businessman, someone whose very steps could cause tremors in the business community.

Han Likuo handed him a cup of hot tea, personally passing it to Chu Yi, which left him somewhat at a loss.

"Thank you, Chairman."

"Ah, Chu, no need to be nervous, just treat it like you're at home. And you don't have to call me Chairman, just call me Uncle Han."

Han Likuo was a straight-to-the-point kind of person and asked directly, "Chu, do you know why I asked you to come here?"

Chu Yi shook his head, "I really don't have much of a clue. My master insisted on sending me down the mountain in a hurry, and I dared not delay, rushing over immediately."

Upon hearing this, Han Likuo laughed and said, "That impatient temper, it's just like your master."

"Chairman... Oh, Uncle Han, are you well acquainted with my master?"

Han Likuo took a sip of tea from the cup in front of him and said, "What do you think? Otherwise, where do you think those pavilions and towers on your mountain came from?"

It dawned on Chu Yi, "So you're the hidden benefactor!"

Han Likuo burst into laughter upon hearing this, "That's just pocket change, hardly worth mentioning."

"By the way, Uncle Han, what can I do for you now that I'm here?" asked Chu Yi.

Uncle Han's tone naturally lowered as he responded, "Chu, your master always boasts about your skills. What do you think of yourself?"

Embarrassed, Chu Yi scratched his head, "Well, when I was on the mountain, I could beat all my sisters, but I've never competed outside. Anyway, my master used to beat me all the time."

"Ha ha, like your master, there aren't many in the world who could take him on, so if you say your master beats you, that I believe." said Han Likuo.

Chu Yi was slightly baffled, not understanding why Han Likuo was asking this.

"How about this, today I've invited two experts here. Why don't you have a little spar with them, how does that sound?"

At that moment, the two leggy beauties on the sofa stood up.

Chu Yi was dumbstruck, what? He was to compete with these two leggy beauties? What if he accidentally took advantage of them?!

"What do you think, Chu Yi?"

Chu Yi quickly snapped back to his senses, "No problem, Uncle Han, let's have a match."

Then Han Likuo made enough space for them, and two tall beauties with long legs saluted Chu Yi, as is customary for martial artists, and Chu Yi responded in kind.

"Come on, bring it on!"

The two beauties opposite him had tanned skin with clearly defined muscle lines, and calluses had formed on their hands from practice, obviously they were experienced fighters.

The beauty rushed at him like a tiger or a leopard, her eyes sharp as knives, fixated on Chu Yi's every move, attacking his upper route directly.

Chu Yi knew exactly what they were going to do next; they were trying to draw him in with the old bait-and-switch, aiming to strike at his lower routes while he was off guard, but he knew all their tricks.

They attacked his upper route, but Chu Yi refused to play along. As he defended, he counterattacked their lower route, leaving them no chance to respond.

"Your moves are too slow, try again!" Chu Yi dealt with them while instructing like a master.

One of the long-legged beauties' expression changed, she gave the other a look, and then the other beauty swept her leg towards Chu Yi's lower half while the first one aimed a punch at his ribs.

Chu Yi was as comfortable with their tactics as a fish in water; these were the leftover moves he had played with his senior sisters up on the mountain. With a slight smile at the corner of his mouth, he remained cool and composed, grabbing both of their fists and giving a fierce pull.


The two beauties collided and fell to the ground in front of Chu Yi.

"Okay, that's enough!" Han Likuo nodded in satisfaction, clearly pleased with Chu Yi's martial skills.

"You two can take a break now."

Following that, the two beauties returned to the sofa with displeased expressions.

Although these two beauties were no match for him, the scuffle had left Chu Yi drenched in sweat.

"Uncle Han, can you finally tell me what you want me to do?"

Han Likuo passed him a towel, motioning for him to wipe off the sweat, and then casually said, "You have good skills. I can rest easy knowing you're there to protect my daughter."

Chu Yi's eyes nearly popped out of his head, so he was basically being asked to act as his daughter's bodyguard.

"I... As a bodyguard?" Chu Yi was somewhat surprised.

"Yes, have a look, this is my daughter's information." Han Likuo handed him a booklet.

Chu Yi opened the booklet, and the first thing he saw was a photo. The girl in the picture had a delicate face, tied back in a ponytail, smiling sweetly at the camera — full of youthful energy.

Beneath the photo was some personal information: she was just 20 years old and already a sophomore at Binhai University. There was also a detailed list of her friends and classmates.

"The situation is roughly like this. Your job is to protect my daughter and ensure her safety. It would be best if you familiarize yourself with her friends and classmates because I plan to send someone to get you into the school. Once you're in, you'll be a classmate by her side."

Chu Yi nodded. He really didn't understand the world of the wealthy; to go to such lengths for their child's safety, hiring a bodyguard to attend school was certainly a first for him.

"The PIN for this card is six zeros. Starting today, every month someone will deposit one million into this account as your payment. Does that sound good?"

Chu Yi was gobsmacked. One million?! Was he dreaming?

"Fine... Okay, Uncle Han," Chu Yi stammered.

He hadn't flinched when fighting the two beauties, but now, as he took the bank card, his hand trembled.

"Don't worry, Uncle Han, I will do my utmost to..."

Before he could finish his sentence, the beautiful woman who had greeted him at the door suddenly pulled a sharp dagger from her sleeve, intending to stab it toward Han Likuo's neck!

The incident happened so suddenly, no one was prepared. The two beauties sitting on the sofa also quickly stood up, and in that instant, Chu Yi, quick as lightning, grabbed the girl's wrist with a swift movement, executing a reversal.